Category 1- Components to First Degree Murder Category 2- Murder or Manslaughter? Category 3- Cases
First-degree murder: homicide that is both planned and deliberate
How can first-degree murder be defined?
Riley was jogging through the park early Saturday morning when a man approached her with a knife and attempted to stab her. In fear of her life Riley picked up a stick and hit the man in the head, he died instantly.
R v Shyback
R v Creighton
Alexandre Bissonnette Case
Hunter Haze Straight Smith Case
R v Stone
Give an example of one case that was mentioned in this presentation
The offender must serve 25 years in jail and is not eligible to apply for parole before that time
If convicted of first-degree murder, when are you eligible for parole?
Bill was driving home from work, when he was driving home he swerved and hit a pedestrian. Bill survived, however, the pedestrian died later that night in the hospital.
Sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for 40 years.
What was the sentence given to Alexandre Bissonnette in Quebec's Superior Court?
(1)- A police officer or police constable

(2)- A warden, jailer, guard or another permanent employee of a prison acting in the course of his duties.
Subsection 4 states that murder is first-degree when the victim is (1)____, (2)_____
Name one of the two components outlined in subsection 4
Murder (first degree)
Jayden cut Brody's car brakes, intending to kill him, later Brody crashed his car and suffered serious head injuries resulting in his death.
R v Stone
I hid the body in the truck, bought a 6-pack of beer, left a note for my daughter saying I was going to Mexico, I turned myself in a week later, Who am I?
If provocation is proven, then a first-degree murder sentence can be lessened to a manslaughter sentence
what defense can be used to lessen a first-degree murder sentence?
Jackie is checking her Instagram while she is driving, she notices a new purse has just been released that she doesn't have, interested in the purse Jackie neglects to notice the red light and kills a man crossing the road killing him
Mitigating Factor
I hit someone with my car and I stayed to try and help the person rather than driving away leaving the person to die. What might a trial judge consider this factor as?
S. 745(a)
"A person who has been convicted of high treason or first-degree murder, that the person be sentenced to imprisonment for life without eligibility for parole until the person has served twenty-five years of the sentence"
What does section 745 (a) of the Criminal Code outline?
Kate took her car to the mechanics, Timmy, the mechanic saw that there was a problem with Kate's breaks- however, it was 4:55 and his shift ended at 5:15, he did not have time to fix her breaks so he didn’t mention the problem to her. Kate drives home and her breaks fail when she goes to stop, Kate crash’s into a tree and dies
Shyback was acquitted of Murder of his common-law partner, he was charged with improperly interfering with her human remains
In R v Shyback, what was he acquitted of, and what was charged with?

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