Arrays | Multiplication 0-5 | Muliplication 6-10 | Word Problems Mixed (+, -, x) | Time and Money |
What is 7 x 3?
xxxxxxx xxxxxxx How do you say this multiplication problem? |
What is 0?
0 x 8= ?
What is false?
2 + 10 is the same value as 2 x 10
True or false? |
What is $3.00. (each pencil costs $1 and there were three pencils total: $1 + $1 + $1 = $3)
Katie had $10 to buy some things at the store. She bought 3 pencils for $1.00 each. How much money did she spend?
What is 5:00?
Keri started doing her homework at 4:30. She did home work for 30 minutes an hour. What time did she finish?
305 + 281 O 550 |
What is 20? (4 x 5)
Solve this problem:
O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O |
What is 40?
5 x 8= ?
What is 48?
6 x 8 = ?
What is 10 wheels total?
(5 bikes x 2 wheels each = 10 wheels total)
There were five bicycles parked on the sidewalk. Each bike had two wheels. How many total wheels were there?
What is 75 cents?
Add the money:
2 quarters 2 dimes 5 pennies |
What is false?
6 x 3 would look like this as an array: True or False
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X |
What is 25?
5 x 5= ?
What is 8 x 6 = 48?
How would you say this as a multiplication problem with the answer?
8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 48 |
What is 10 puppets?
(one puppet for each finger is 1 puppet x 10 fingers)
Heidi wanted to put finger puppets on each of her ten fingers. How many puppets does she need?
What is 30 minutes or a 1/2 hour?
Lisa baked her cookies from 2:15 pm until 2:45 pm. How long did she bake her cookies?
What is yes?
Are these two arrays equal: yes or no
o o o o o o o o o o o o AND o o o o o o o o o o o o |
What is false?
3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 16
Is this true or false? |
What is 64?
6 x 8 = ?
What is 24 pieces of candy?
(20 + 8 = 28 total They each gave 2 pieces: 2 + 2 = 4, so 28 - 4 = 24 left over total)
Mark and Jill each had a bowl of candy. Jill had 20 pieces of candy and Mark only had 8. They each gave two pieces of candy to Evan so now he had four. How many pieces did Mark and Jill have left over together?
What is $4.00?
(50 cents + 50 cents= $1.00 so, $5.00 - $1.00 = $4.00)
Joan had $5.00 to spend at the store. She bought one two pencils that cost 50 cents each. How much money did she get back?
What is true?
There are 8 rows and 6 columns in the array for 48. Is this true or false?
What is 12 people?
If there are four groups and there are three people in each group, how many people are there total?
What is 6?
? x 7 = 42
What is 19 each?
(15 + 4 = 19 for Mary and 15 + 4= 19 for Lisa)
Mary and Lisa each had 15 apples in their bag. Ricky gave both of them 4 more apples each. How many apples did Mary have, and how many did Lisa have? (hint: they both have the same amount)
What is one hour or 60 minutes?
Jackie went to the park to play with her friends. She got to the park at 3:00 pm. She left the park at 4:00 pm. How long was did she play in the park?