Typical Examination | Theresa's Exam |
PMH? Family History? Medications? Social history? Environmnetal factors? PLOF? Current symptoms? Comorbidities? AD?
Important history questions? Name 3
6MWT, BBS, TUG with cognitive tasks, 12 item MS walking scale, dizziness handicap inventory, FGA, etc.
What are common outcome measures that would be appropriate for the typical MS patient?
Cardio/pulm GI Integumentary Musculoskeletal Neuromuscular
What systems are examined in a systems review? (6)
Vitals - HR, BP, RR, O2 saturation
What should be tested at the beginning, throughout the exam, and end of the exam? (Hint - 2 important measures)
What would a tuning fork be used to test?
Stair navigation ADLs Transfers/Rolling
What are important functional tasks we should examine?