Tiers | Forms | Foundation | Myth of Fact | Fact or Myth Part 2 |
How many tiers are their in the MTSS process?
3 Tiers
What is the first form that you must complete?
Meeting Request Form
What is the is the foundation of MTSS/RtI
problem solving process
What is a Myth?
An MTSS and all related components (data-based problem solving) increase the quality of the educational experience for ALL students.
MTSS is only for kids who struggle.
What is Fact?
MTSS is for both academics and behavior concerns.
What percent of your student population is in Tier I?
100% of students
What is request a meeting with the MTSS Team.
teacher has a data showing 3 consecutive data points below the aim(goal) line.
What is the problem?
What is a Myth?
They are continuous and all students are participants in a multi-tiered framework.
MTSS has a starting point and a stopping point.
What is a Myth?
As with any significant change effort, organized leadership is critical to successful implementation of an MTSS framework.
Administrators do not need to be involved with MTSS.
What percent of your student population is in Tier 3?
What forms do you need to bring to the MTSS meeting?
MTSS Meeting Request Form, List of Intervention Form, and Skill Graph and/or Comparison Graph
Why is it occuring?
What is Fact?
Operating within an MTSS framework is a method to ensure that instruction is effectively meeting the needs of all students.
What is a Myth?
Operating within an MTSS framework is a method to ensure that instruction is effectively meeting the needs of students. Engaging in data-based problem solving allows educators to know if they are teaching in a way that results in all stude
General instruction would be more effective if teachers were just allowed to teach instead of taking time for data charts, intervention groups.
What percent of your student population is in Tier 2?
What is the form that goes in the cumulative folder?
Transition Form
What are we going to do about it?
What is a Fact?
Teams use MTSS data to adjust the implementation of instruction/intervention in order to increase its effectiveness so that student learning accelerates.
What is a Fact?
When teachers do individualized interventions, it means they are providing tier 3 supports.
What is Tier 2?
Core + Intervention
Is it working?
What is a Myth?
Within an MTSS, tier 1 instruction is instruction that every student receives (the core academic and behavioral curriculum ). Tier 2 and tier 3 supports are provided to students in addition to tier 1.
Tier 2 and tier 3 intervention supports are unrelated to what students learn in tier 1 and can replace tier 1 curriculum and instruction.
What is a Fact?
MTSS is a framework that organizes academic and behavioral instruction, intervention, and supports at increasing levels based on student need, regardless of the types of needs, in order to help all students be more successful in school.