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What is Massage Therapy?
A method of manipulating soft tissue using compression and traction.
Who is Hippocrates of Cos?
This ancient medicine man is often referred to as the father of modern medicine.
What is Padding?
This massage table material should be comfortable to the client while still supporting their body.
What is year 3000 BC?
Written records of massage date back to this year
What is a stool?
This object allows sitting down to give a massage
What is China?
Various ideas and beliefs about ancient massage were compiled under the Yellow Emperor into the Nei Chang in this country.
Who is Florence Nightingale?
During the Crimean War, this woman developed a standard of care for soldiers, which included massage.
What is a face rest?
This massage table piece allows clients to keep their heads and necks aligned while laying prone.
What is Amma?
The term used to describe massage in ancient China
What is draping?
Massage therapists use this technique to cover parts of a client's body during a massage
What is the Middle Ages?
This era began in 476 AD, and ended in 1453. Massage fell into decline in this period.
Who is Pehr Henrik Ling?
This man developed his own system of massage called the "Swedish Movement Cure"
What is an arm shelf?
This massage table piece provides a resting place for a part of the body that may hang off of the table.
What is India?
Knowledge of amma traveled to the subcontinent of ____ from China
What is Eucalyptus?
This essential oil is widely used for respiratory congestion.
What is the FSMTB?
This board was formed to create a reliable licensing examination for massage therapists.
Who is Dr. John Harvey Kellog?
This doctor is known for promoting massages to the public by writing articles on the topic. Hydrotherapy was a central aspect of his health regimen.
What is butter?
Often made from fruits or nuts, this massage lubricant can often be found along crémes, gels, and oils.
Who is Johann Mezger?
This Dutch physician, oddly enough, is why massage therapists use the French language to describe techniques.
What is 18 months?
After purchase, storing massage lubricants in a cool, dark place can extend their shelf life to ____ months.
What is the Society of Trained Masseuses?
In the late 1800s, to combat unscrupulous massage schools, this society was created by 9 British nurses and midwives.
Who is Galen of Pergamon?
This student of Hippocrates was one of the most famous physicians in the Roman Empire. He wrote many books on the topic of massage.
What is Lavender?
The most widely used essential oil. It has a calming effect that helps ease irritability.
What is the Touch Research Institute?
Established in 1992, this institute is the first in the world to focus on the effects and applications of massage.
What is Aromatherapy?
Therapy involving the use of a diffuser and essential oils.

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