Vocabulary | The Liturgical Year | Important People | Sacraments | Religious Items |
Men chosen by Jesus to share in his mission in a special way
This part of the liturgical year, between Lent and Easter, means "3 days"
Jesus Christ
He is known as the Messiah
This sacrament clears you of original sin
Sacred Chrism
Perfumed oil blessed by the bishop
The official public prayer of the church
Ordinary Time
This part of the liturgical year is split into two parts, one after Easter and one after Christmas
He is the almighty and all-knowing
This sacrament is given to us at every Sunday mass
The Bible
This book is a collection of stories about our religion
Proclaiming the Good News of Christ by what we say and do
This liturgical season is right before Easter
St.Padre Pio
He has a stigmata and is the patron saint of our church
This sacrament makes you a full member of the church and gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit
Holy Water
This liquid is poured over you at Baptism
common vocation
The call to holiness and evangelization that everyone shares
This liturgical season is right before Christmas
John The Baptist
He baptized Jesus
Holy Matrimony
This sacrament also means marriage
The Body and Blood of Christ
(or bread and wine)
These two things are what we receive at every Sunday mass and they are what Jesus gave us at the last supper
The part of mass when the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ
This holiday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ
Archangel Michael
He led the army of angels against the devil
This sacrament relieves us of sin
This is where the priest stores the Eucharist