Islamic History Stories of the Quran The Life of the prophet Muhammud (saw) Ramadan Ahadith
The four holy cities of Islam are Makkah, Madinah, Jerusalem and Qayrawan.
What are the four holy cities of Islam ?
Habil sacrificed one his best best flock and Qabil sacrificed his crops. Allah accepted Habil's sacrifice and not Qabil's because Qabil did not fear Allah.
In the Quran, it mentions that Adam Hawwa had two sons, Habil and Qabil. They both decided to make a sacrifice to Allah. What did they each sacrifice? Whose sacrifice was accepted and why?
His mother Amina passed away when he was six.
His father passed away two months before he was born.
When did the prophet Muhammud (saw) mother and father pass away?
Ramadan is the NINTH month in the islamic calendar.
Which month of the islamic calendar is Ramadan?
Prophet (saw) said: "Fasting is a shield of a believer"
Prophet Muhammud (SAW) said " Fasting is ........"
The libraries of Constaninople and Edessa.
From what libraries could Muslims gather Greek and Syriac Manuscripts ?
Soon the children of Adam began to worship idols, so Allah sent prophet Nuh to guide the people to the straight path.
Why did Allah send down prophet Nuh?
The name of the slave was Zayd ibn Harith. The prophet (saw) did not like the idea of slavery and returned him to his father. Zayd wanted to stay with the prophet because of the love he showed him.
The name of the slave was Zayd ibn Harith. The prophet (saw) did not like the idea of slavery and returned him to his father. Zayd wanted to stay with the prophet because of the love he showed him.

Khadijah bought a slave from the market. What was the name of the slave and what did the prophet (saw) do with him?
Month of mercy.
Ramadan is the......
The words of Allah, in prophet (SAW) own words.
What is hadith Qudsi ?
Important scientific works from the Greek, Roman and Persian worlds to translate into Arabic.
From what branches of knowledge did early Muslim scholars translate books into Arabic ?
This woman is the most honorable woman in Islam. She will also be the leader of women in Jannah. Her name appears as one of the surahs in the Quran. Who is she?
Abyssinia (Ethiopia).
The prophet (SAW) seeked shelter under the christian ruler, King Najashi. Which country did this king live in?
1000 months.
Laylatul-Qadr is better than a ....
“O you who believe, fasting has been prescribed for you as it has been prescribed for people before you so that you attain Taqwa.” (2:183).
In surah Baqarah Allah reveals the purpose of fasting. What does it state?
Imam Al-Ghazali and Abu Hanifah
Name two important Muslims who lived in Baghdad during its golden age ?
The prophet Yunus left his people with anger and despair without completing the task of Allah.
Why was the prophet Yunus swallowed by a whale?
Took place 624 AD, under the command of Abu Sufyan.
Which year did the battle of Uhud take place and under whose command?
The battle of Badr.
Which battle took place during Ramadan?
".... one at the time of breaking his fast, and the other at the time when he will meet his Lord.” (Bukhari)
“Fasting is a screen (from Hell) and there are two pleasures (moments of happiness or joys) for a fasting person ________" (Bukhari)
The Al-Hambra.
What famous islamic architecture is located in Granada, Spain?
Tala'al-Badru 'alayna (The Best Caller to God's Way)
As prophet Muhammud (saw) arrived in Madinah, the people welcomed him by singing a song. What was the song that they song?
Persia (Iran)
After the treaty of al-Hudaybiyyah, the prophet (SAW) sent letters to neighboring kings. He wrote the letter to a king named Khusru. What was the name of the country ?
The Conquest of Makkah.
Out all the events that has occured during the month of Ramadan, which event was the most significant?
All his past sins will be forgiven.
What is Allah's reward to those who fast with sincere faith to attain reward ?

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