Lesson 1A Vocabulary | Lesson 1B Vocabulary | Lesson 1A Grammar | Lesson 1B Grammar | Potpourri |
What is "Bonjour"?
"Hello" in French.
What is "un stylo"?
"A pen" in French.
What is: "un", "une", "des"?
The indefinite articles in French.
What is a "coréen(ne)"?
"Korean" in French.
What is "Espagnol(e)"?
"Spanish" in French.
What is "Au revoir"?
"Good-bye" in French.
What is "un sac à dos"?
"A back pack" in French.
What is: "le", "la", "l'", "les"?
The definite articles in French.
What is "agréable"?
"Pleasant" in French.
What is "C'est un(e)"?
"It is" in French.
What is "Ça va?" ("Comment vas-tu?"/"Comment allez-vous?")
"How are you?" in French.
What is "le livre"?
"The book" in French.
What is "Qu'est-ce que c'est"?
"What is it?" in French.
What is "sympathique"? ("sympa"?)
"Nice" in French.
What is "Qui est-ce"?
"Who is it?" in French.
What is "S'il te plaît"? ("S'il vous plaît"?)
"Please" in French.
What is "un garçon"?
"A boy" in French.
What is "douze"? (12)
0, 4, 8, ___
What is: "Je", "Tu", "Il", "Elle", "On", "Nous", "Vous", "Ils", "Elles"?
The subject pronouns in French. (I, You, He ...)
What is "Il y a"?
"There is/are" in French.
What is "Comment t'appelles-tu?" ("Comment vous appelez-vous?")
"What is your name?" in French.
What is "la femme"?
"The woman" in French.
What is "quarante"? (40)
0, 10, 20, 30, ___
What is: "Je suis", "Tu es", "Il est", "Elle est", "On est", "Nous sommes", "Vous êtes", "Ils sont", "Elles sont"?
(Did you sing the song?)
The conjugated forms of the verb "to be" in French.
What is "la bise"?
The friendly kiss in French.