Geography Vegetation of the North American regions Topography of North America Climate of North America European Arrival in Canada
What are fold mountains?
When two plates are pushed together, they crumple up into these landforms.
What are deciduous and coniferous?
Originally, the Appalachian region was heavily forested with these two kinds of trees?
What is the arctic?
The land in this region is very flat and covered in glaciers.
What is the Appalachian region?
Due to the fact that this region stretches more than 2400 km, the climate of this region varies greatly from north to south.
Who are the Vikings?
These Europeans were probably the earliest to arrive in Canada.
What is the core, the mantle, and the crust?
These are the three layers of the Earth.
What is the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Lowland?
This region has very fertile soils, and was heavily farmed by early settlers to Canada/
What is the Western Cordillera?
This region is characterized by rugged mountains that have not yet been worn down by erosion.
What are the Great Lakes?
The Great Lakes- St. Lawrence Lowlands has a humid continental climate due to the nearness of these large bodies of water.
Who is John Cabot?
This explorer received "Letters Patent" from King Henry VII, giving him permission to "subdue, occupy, and possesse all" that he found.
What are volcanic mountains?
These occur when molten lava erupts through cracks in the Earth's surface.
What is boreal forest?
The Canadian Shield is covered mostly by this kind of forest.
What is rock?
The Canadian Shield has a very thin layer of topsoil on top of this.
What are the Interior Plains?
This region is characterized by long, hot summers, cold winters, and relatively little precipitation.
What is the Northwest Passage?
Early European explorers were looking for this, which would provide an easy sailing route to Asia.
What are glaciers?
These massive ice sheets eroded the landforms of North America.
What is the sequoia?
In the Western Cordillera, these enormous trees can grow to be as high as a 30 storey office building.
What are the Interior Plains?
This region is characterized by gently rolling landscapes, and stretches to the Arctic Ocean in the north.
What is the Intermountain Region?
Due to its location between two mountain ranges, this region tends to be very dry.
Who is Jacques Cartier?
This explorer made enemies of the Iroquois people, possibly because he kept kidnapping them and taking them back to France with him.
What is the last Ice Age?
During this time, most of northern North America was covered by ice sheets.
What is the Intermountain region?
The plants in this region range from sparse grassland to semi-desert plants.
What is erosion?
The Appalachian mountains are some of the oldest mountains in the world, but are low and rounded due to this factor.
What is the Arctic?
Due to its lack of precipitations, this region is technically a desert.
What is Stadacona?
This town was located along the St. Lawrence river, and is near the site of present day Quebec City.

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