Secrets | Your Body | Child Abuse Law | Child Abuse Law Continuued | Bullying |
What is a good secret?
A type of secret that can make you and somebody else very happy
What areas of the body do we call the "private parts"?
The places on your body that are covered by a bathing suit
What is in "kid terms" what the child abuse law is all about?
Kids have a right to feel safe no matter where they are,
What is discipline?
A child breaks a rule at home and gets sent to their room for a time-out.
What is bullying
When a person or group purposely engages in actions intended to harm someone else emotionally or physically and show power over the person
What is a bad secret?
A type of secret that may confuse you or worry you a lot
What is Say No! Get Away! and Tell a Grown up you trust!?
Something you should do if anyone tries to touch your private parts
What is neglect?
When a child's basic needs are not being met. (Food, Clothing, Shelter ...)
What is abuse?
A child break a rule at home and gets punished by being whipped with a belt.
What is a bystander?
The person or people who watch acts of bullying
What is tell an adult you trust?
Something you can do to make you feel better if you know a bad secret
What are safe, comfortable, or good touches?
A kind of touch that makes us feel happy, loved, and safe
What is the definition of physical abuse?
When an adults hurts a child and leaves bruises or worse.
What is neglect?
A four year old child is left home alone at night while the parent goes out to the bar.
What are the things you should NOT do if someone is bullying you?
Get physical, threaten or call the person names, cry in front of the person who is bullying you, ignore the bullying and hope it stops
Who are your Mom, Dad, Guardians, Older brother or sister, Grandma, Grandpa?
Some trusted adults at home that you can tell if you have a bad secret
What are Unsafe, uncomfortable or bad touches?
A kind of touch that makes us feel angry, sad, afraid, or confused
What can you do if an adult tries to get you to go somewhere without checking-in with your parents first?
Yell No and make noise, get away, and find someone you trust for help
What is pornography?
An adult takes inappropriate pictures of an child and puts them on the internet.
What are the three roles in bullying?
The person who bullies, the person who is bullied, the bystander
Who are your teacher, principal, guidance counselor?
Some trusted adults at school that you can tell if you have a bad secret
Who are some trusted adults we can talk to if someone makes us feel uncomfortable or confused?
Mom, Dad, Teacher, Principal, Guidance Counselor, Police Officer, Older brother or sister, Grandma, Grandpa, Other Family Members
What is the definition of Sexual Abuse?
When an adults touches a child's private parts or tricks the child into touching their private parts.
What is It is NEVER our fault?
The most important thing to remember if someone makes us feel uncomfortable, sad, angry, or gives us an "uh-oh" feeling
What are the things you should do if someone is bullying you?
Get away, tell an adult, buddy up, be an "upstander" for yourself