Modalities - CT Scan | CT Scheduling Protocol | LDCT | CT Contrast DX | LDCT Exams |
Computed Tomography
CT Stands for?
It's the amount patient has to pay for Calcium Scoring for all regions except for Kern.
This type of exam is also known as Smoker Screening CT or Lung Cancer Screening
Upcode the exam to CT Urogram
Triple Points:
RX: CT Abd WWO DX: Hematuria |
CT Chest WO
RX: CT Chest WO
DX: Shortness of breath, marijuana user |
Conventional CT Scan
Spiral/helical CT scan
Double Points: What are the types of CT Scan?
True or False: We can schedule these exams
CT Myelogram Injections |
True or False: LDCT uses a lower dosage of radiation compared to a regular CT
CT Abd and Pel WO
RX: CT Abd and Pel WO
DX: Abdominal Spasm |
DX: Asymptomatic |
Oral contrast
A substance taken by mouth
Check attachments for RX/Insurance Auth or ask the patient if they have the RX/Auth with them. Confirm what it says or request for a Secure Pic.
If the RX just says the name of the exam but the contrast is not indicated (e.g. MR Lumbar or MR Knee R), that is considered as without contrast exam. For more information, see Referral Review. If their RX is not on file and the patient does not have it, upcode the exam to With and Without contrast. Put Additional Pre-Pro notes.
Triple Points: How do you schedule/upcode if patients are unsure of the exam?
Double Points: What is the Procedure Code for LDCT Follow up with Medicare
Transfer your 300 points to other team.
Your earn 600 points!
Double Bonus!
CT Scan
Uses a combination of narrow X-Ray beams
Loose 400 points
eRAD will not allow us to move forward with scheduling. You may say, "Unfortunately, in order to properly schedule this exam, we do need these questions answered. Please give us a call back when you have a moment to answer the questions so that we can move forward with scheduling.”
What will you do if a patient refused to answer the screening question for LDCT exam?
CT Renal Stone Protocol
RX: CT Abd and Pelvis with Oral Contrast
RX: CT Chest WO
DX: Asthma, Pulmonary Nodule, Tobacco use |
You loose 500 POINTS!!!
Schedule 5 business days out, leave Additional Pre Pro notes. For Kern Region, use Additional Pre Pro Labs. Remind the patient we need lab works by the time of the appointment. If the patient wants to schedule after the lab appointment and will just call back, put notes, and add Called Referring in the Contact Log and Next Follow Up Type.
What is the workflow if patient is not done with labworks and no appointment for it yet?
Call RPO to inform them that we haven't received the Medicare RX or that the Medicare RX is not completely filled out.
Tell them that if the form is missing or incomplete, we will have to reschedule or cancel the exam. If RPO does not have a copy of the Medicare RX form, continue scheduling the patient and add Pre Pro so that the PSR can fax the form to them. If RPO is not available, continue scheduling the patient and add Additional Pre Pro. Add an Order Note that you tried to call RPO for the complete RX.
What do you do if the Medicare RX is not on file or not completely filled out for an LDCT exam.
CT Abd and Pel W
RX: CT Abd and Pel W
DX: Sarcoma |
The smoker diagnosis tells us LDCT has to be done. RX is CT Chest W/ contrast. Call the doctor for a different exam.
Exam to Schedule: LDCT
Triple Points!
RX: CT Chest W DX: COPD, Ex-smoker |