Prime or Composite | State Capitols | Factors and Multiples | Words of the Day | Holiday Characters |
What is Composite
What is Washington
Olympia is the Capitol of this state
What is 2 and 5
10 is a multiple of these two numbers
What is Purpose
This word means to motivate, aim for a goal and is the reason for something.
What is Buddy the Elf
This holiday character was played by Will Farrell
What is Composite
What is Arizona
Phoenix is the Capitol of this State
What is 1,2,3,4,6,12
The factors of 12 are
What is a factor
This word is a part of a Product
What is Rudolph
This holiday character saved Christmas by use of his sniffer
What is Prime
What is Honolulu
Capitol of Hawaii
What is 4
This is the number of factors that 6 has
What is infrastructure
This word means a foundation that keeps something stable, strong and together.
What is the Grinch
This holiday character "was a mean one"
What is 2
This number is the first prime number
What is North Dakota
Bismark is the Capitol of this state
What is 5
The number 16 has this many possible arrays
What is a group of small islands
An Archipelago is...
What is elf on a shelf
This holiday character can not be touched
What is 0 and 1
These two numbers are neither Prime, nor Composite
What is Florida
Tallahasee is the Capitol of this state
What is 7,14,21,28,35
This is the first 5 multiples of 7
What is afternoon
The Spanish word tardes means
What is Ebenezer Scrooge
This holiday character was visited by ghosts