Marvel Cinematic Universe Comedies Action Movies Famous Villains Rom Com Tear Jerkers
Who is Captain America
Who was the first Avenger?
Who is Seth Rogen and James Franco (Pineapple Express)
Which two actors played in the movie involving two burnouts addicted to a fast fruit named marijuana?
Who Bruce Willis (Die Hard)
What actor stopped terrorist from overtaking the Nagatomi plaza in Los Angeles?
Who is Darth Vader
This dark themed villain is known for his oxygen noises and deep voice
Who is Marley
What was the name of the dog that Owen Wilson befriended in this romantic comedy?
Who is Groot
Which guardian's verbalization consists of three words?
Who is Jim Carey
Which actor played a hairy green thief who opposed holiday festivities?
What is Avatar
Name the movie: Humans use fake bodies to try and stop war between aliens while visiting pandora
Who is Thanos
Name the villain: Obsessed with balancing the universe, this villain is also on a quest to find stones
Who is Mandy Moore
This actress plays a terminally ill young woman who falls in love with the cool guy at school
What is Vibranium
What is the strongest metal on earth?
What is Billy Madison
What movie did Adam Sandlor play in which he had to retake all grades of school?
Who is Roger Murtaugh and Martin Wriggs
What character names were those of a lethal interracial cop duo that had a four film franchise?
Who is Bane
The voice is also changed on this muscular villain whose mask keeps him from being in complete pain
Who is Eric Bana
This actor suffers from a genetic disorder that causes him to travel through time where he meets his love
Who is Helen Cho
Who was the scientist that created Ultron's body that then became Vision?
What is Step Brothers
Name the movie: Two adults feud after their parents get married and they have to live with one another.
Who is Gerald Butler
This actor high handedly stops terrorist from overtaking the White House
Who is Scar
This villain killed his brother and banned his nephew to take over the kingdom with a lasting cut on his face
What is the Proposal
Name the movie: This immigrant attempts to marry her subordinate to stop her deportation to Canada
What is the power gauntlet
What was the name of the gauntlet created by the surviving Avengers?
Who was Sergeant Lincoln Osiris
What was the name of the controversial character that Robert Downey Jr played in Tropic Thunder?
What is John Wick
This movie kicks off with the actor going on a killing spree due to the murder of a man's best friend
What is the Kraken
Sam Worthington battled this infamous sea creature as the half son of a famous God
Who is Julia Roberts
This actress works as street walker who falls in love with a billionaire


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