Job Engagement & Motivation Theories Organizational Justice
Intensity, Direction, and Persistence
What are the three factors that contribute to motivation?
Expectancy Theory and Reinforcement Theory
What are the two theories that describe the way an individual's actions rely heavily on outcomes?
Distributive Justice
"I deserve the promotion that I got for producing high quality work and staying overtime." What is this an example of?
Low/Poor Job Engagement
Bill always shows up to work and does what is required of him, but his job is emotionally draining and puts him in a bad mood by the end of the day. What is this an example of?
Need for Achievement, Need for Power, and Need for Affiliation.
What are the three important needs to help explain motivation in McClelland's theory of needs?
Procedural Justice
"My boss explained to me why I was fired, and I understand why other employees were kept and I wasn't." What is this an example of?
values, organization
A key to job engagement is the match between the individual's _____ and those of the _________. Fill in the blank.
Self-Determination Theory and Two-Factor Theory
What are the two theories that deal with the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic factors?
Interactional Justice
"When my boss interacts with me, he was very thorough and respectful during the conversations." What is this an example of?

Motivation Concepts Jeopardy by Savannah and The Boyz

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