early in the morning | true or false | colours | outdoors | random for the most |
how did samuel wake up
really hungry
true or false samuel turned purple at the end
What is the color of samuels bed
yellow and blue
were was the pie eating contest
true or false the 3 men were all on the ground at the end
What did Samuel ask for 7 of?
fried chickens
true or false samuel won first prize
What is the color of moms shirt
are they in the city or the country
what type of pie did they get 2 of
Were did samuel go to eat more food?
pie eating contest
true or false samuel has a little brother
What is the color of samuels shirt
blue green and red
what 2 letters were on the shirt of the fireman
how many stakes of pancakes did samuel get
What type a of prize did samuel win?
prize pie
true or false the colors of the faces of the 3 men at the end were yellow,blue and red
What is the color of the judges shirt
red and green
were was samuel's brother when he told samuel there was a pie eating contest
behind a tree
What was the baby eating when samuel was waiting for the bus
a lollipop
Who were the 3 mans that were at the eating tabel?
fire man. lumberjack and a construction worker
true or false everyone was given a blue berry pie at the start
What is the color of judges shoes
what was outside the bus when samuel was getting on
a cat/black catq
what type of dino was in the sky on the last page