Farm Life | GD Rocks | Career | GD Loves & Hates | Loves & Hates2 |
What is Holstein?
The black and white coated breed of cow on the farm where GD grew up.
What is “Lumpy Chair”?
A beloved grandchild activity — GD’s version of a bucking bronco with no horse required.
What is counting cars?
One of GD’s early tasks in the Cabarrus Hospital parking lot.
What is clocks?
A song by Coldplay, Bill Haley & the Comets rocked around it.
What is ice cream?
I scream, you scream, we all scream for…
What is tobacco?
GD’s back problems might stem from stooping over to harvest this plant that has both healthy and unhealthy uses.
What is waving like the Queen?
A skill taught by GD for use when riding in his convertible.
What is Masters in Health Administration?
GD’s graduate degree from Duke.
Who is Huey?
Dewey and Louie would be lost without him.
What is meatloaf?
The stage name for Michael Lee Aday, who died on January 22, 2022, and the epitome of All-American comfort food with or without ketchup.
What is a school bus?
The wheels on this go round and round, the people go up and down, and it was an income source for GD as a teen.
What is Zips?
A favorite place for lunch & train watching.
What is 31?
GD’s age when he first became a hospital CEO.
What is a watch?
Guard duty, a sentry’s stint.
What is bourbon?
A famous street in New Orleans and a trail in Kentucky.
What are chickens?
The object of Gonzo’s love in The Muppets and occasional victims of Granny McPherson for the greater good.
What are diapers?
GD changed these with all 6 grandchildren.
What is 5?
Number of rings in Olympic symbol, equal to the number of hospitals in the health system GD ran in Cincinnati.
What is cilantro?
Chinese Parsley beloved in Mexico.
Who is Rusty?
Jackie Cook’s Old Yeller, but reddish orangish brown.
Who are Sarah Jane, Dub (Wayland Clarence), Katie Lee and Charles?
The offspring of Swannie and Wayland McPherson
Who is King of the Granddaddies?
The royal title bestowed on GD in recognition of his greatest, for which he deserves a crown.
What is service?
A word defined as contribution to the welfare of others & GD’s motivation each day as a hospital administrator.
What is a Christmas tree?
No two the same, covered in bling, standing tall with no legs.
What is banana pudding?
Layers of sweet custard, Curious George’s favorite food, and meringue.