Vocabulary 1 The Differences Vocabulary 2 Miscellaneous Vocabulary 3
The goodness or sinfulness of human acts.
What is morality?
He actively protested the Nazi regime policies and because of it he was imprisoned and executed (by hanging) before the war ended.
Who is Detrich Bonnhoeffer?
A solemn agreement between God and human beings involving mutual obligations and agreements.
What is a covenant?
Unit of money used.
What is a talent?
The mystery of the wonderful Jesus taking on human flesh.
What is incarnation?
God's fatherly instruction that is written on the human heart and accessed by human reason.
What is natural law?
Pope John Paul
Died from polio at 25
Actively served the poor
Who is Pier Giorgio Frassatti and what made him different?
A calling to love and serve God both now and forever.
What is a vocation?
Number one thing Jesus tells us to live by to make it easier to obey all Ten Commandments
How does love relate to Jesus?
What we are told to live by.
What is the Letter of the Law?
The interior voice of a human being, within whose heart the inner law of God is inscribed.
Also known as the voice of God.
What is conscience?
Beatitude saints are people who take the beatitudes to heart and attempt to abide by them.
What is the difference between everyday people and beatitude saints?
An attitude of doing only the least that is required.
What is minimalism?
How many beatitudes are there?
A part of gospel according to Matthew in which Jesus preaches important moral teachings, including the beatitudes.
What is the Sermon on the Mount?
The way we live our lives as children of God in response to Jesus under the guidance of the Holy Spirit at work in the Catholic Church.
What is catholic morality?
Object chosen- refers to the nature or matter of the proposed act.

Intention- involve the goals of our actions

Circumstances- can influence the moral goodness or evil of the act.
List & define the three sources of morality.
(Hint: the first being object chosen)
It pushes ourselves to do more than the minimum in our moral life.
How does a moral muscle help us?
The activity Jesus preformed prior to the last supper that becomes the model for all Christian service.
What is foot washing and how does it relate to Christian service?
Teachings such as the beatitudes and last judgment that show commonly held values and priorities.
What are the Hard sayings of Jesus?
The respect owed to all human beings because they are made in God's image.
What is dignity?
Grace- a gift of the Holy Spirit; participation in God's Trinitarian life; the help God gives us to love out our vocation.
Sanctifying Grace- a share in God's life. Also a gift from God that enables the soul to love with him and respond to his friendshi
What are the differences between Grace,
Sanctifying Grace, and Actual grace?
The attitude of strict observance of laws, regardless of circumstances and possible harm to people involved.
What is legalism?
God's reign - proclaimed by and present in Jesus.
People serve, share, and refuse to retaliate with violence against others.
What is the Kingdom of God?
Jesuit priest during WWII
Executed for expressing his faith during prison mediations.
Who is Father Alfred Delp?

Morality Chapters 1 & 2

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