Injury Terms Medicare First Call Settlement Stuff
What is a Strain?
The twisting or pulling of a muscle or tendon beyond its normal range?
What is Medicare?
This is a Federal Insurance program for people 65 and older, certain younger people with disabilities. This program also has a "Super lien" or the absolute right of recovery.
What are General Damages?
This is compensation for a clmt's discomfort from an injury due to an auto accident. This is usually a "range."
What is Subjective?
What the patient says or what is perceived by the patient only and cannot be seen by the DR.
What is send the Safe Harbor letter?
The claimant will not provide their SSN#, this is the next thing that the Claim rep will do.
What is a Recorded release?
This release can be used in settling BI claims under $1500 and when the clmt is not a Medicare beneficiary.
What is Self Care?
This is typically completed by the injured person. It can include taking over the counter medication, hot/cold packs, and rest.
What is Medicaid?
This is a health care program that assists low income families and individuals. This is very venue/state specific.
What are Special Damages?
These are the out of pockets from medical bills, lost wages, prescriptions, or Advil/hot/cold packs from an auto accident.
What is Diagnostic Imaging?
This occurs when electromagnetic radiation and certain other technologies to produce images of internal structures of the body for the purpose of diagnosis.
What are fines and penalties?
This is the consequence to the insurance company for failure to report injuries to Medicare.
What is an Incurred/Scheduled Release?
This release is a promise to be pay any incurred or future medical bills for the clmt. We will pay the clmt the General Damages and set aside $ for the medical bills.
What is Objective?
These are visible, measurable findings obtained by a medical examination, tests or diagnostic imaging. Or a mom/dad taking their child's temperature.
What are Legal Name, DOB, SSN, Gender, Medicare status?
These are the 5 elements required for Medicare reporting.
What is via Docusign?
This is the most efficient way to send a written release to a claimant.

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