This semester at Aish Montclair | Montclair State Trivia | Chanukah | The Ackermans | Israel |
What is Maimonides
The name of of the weekly program that we run
What is
The name of five residents halls
What is 8 days
The length of the holiday of Chanukah
What is Yael Chaya
The name of our daughter
What is Jerusalem
The Capital of Israel
What is woodmere
The name of the town we went to for the Shabbaton
What is 5200
Number of Residents on campus (within 200)
What is 8
The number of candles that we light on the last night
What is 125 Ascension st Passaic NJ
Our address
What is the Knesset
The name of the body of government in Israel
What is Rabbi Dov Bear Cohen
The name of the speaker from Israel who spoke on campus
What is 3-4
Current record of the basketball team
What is the jar of oil lasted 8 days and the Jews defeated the mighty Greek army.
The two miracles that we celebrate on Chanukah
What is Yeshiva University
The college that Rabbi Ari went to
Because nothing can live in it
The reason the Dead Sea is called the Dead Sea
What is Aish Kodesh
The name of the synagogue that we went to on the Shabbaton
What is $2500
The cost to clean Rocky's outfit per semester (within$200)
What is the Maccabees
The name of the group of Jews that fought the Greeks
What is A graphic designer
Daniella Works as as this
What is David Ben Gurion
The first prime minister of Israel
What is Leadership
The topic of the first class I gave this semester
What is 252
Number of acres of the campus
What is because they were trying to get Jews to Assimilate to Greek culture (Hellenization)
The reason the Jews rose up against the greeks
What is October 6th
Our daughters birthday
What is
The Four countries one can see when standing on a boat off the coast of Eilat