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What is an Amicus Curaie Brief?
An argument filed with a court by an individual or group who is not a party to a lawsuit
What is an INCUMBENT?
An office holder running for office
What is Franking Privilege?
The free mail and electronic signature system used by members of Congress.
What is Fiscal Policy?
Impacting the economy through taxing and spending in the budget
What is Litigation?
A lawsuit
What is Stare Decisis?
When a court follows precedent by letting a previous decision stand
What is Caucus?
Face-to-face meetings of party members at the local or state level to determine their party’s candidate for office
What is Filibuster?
The process of talking a bill to death
What is Monetary Policy?
Influencing the economy though federal interest rates, reserve rates, and the amount of money in circulation
What is devolution?
A process by which the national government gives more power and authority to the states
What is Judicial Activism?
A philosophy that the Supreme Court should make bold new policy
What is Lame Duck Period?
The time during which a president who has lost an election or has ended a second term is still in office before the new president serves.
What is Motion for Cloture
A vote by 60 senators to end a filibuster.
What is Logrolling?
When members of Congress trade votes for favors in order to get the bills they support passed
What is Political Socialization?
The process by which an individual develops his or her political beliefs
What is Writ of Certiorari?
A document issued by the Supreme Court if it has agreed to hear a case
What is an Executive Order?
A presidential directive
What is Gerrymandering?
Drawing congressional district boundaries to benefit a group, usually a political party
What is Pork Barrel Spending?
A provision in a bill that benefits a specific congressional constituency
What is Divided Government?
When the president is from one political party and one or both houses of Congress are controlled by the opposing political party
What is Original Intent
Making judicial decisions by considering what the founding fathers meant in the Constitution
What is a Closed Primary?
A vote by party members to determine their party’s candidate for office, which is restricted to those who are registered to the party.
What is Redistricting?
Changing congressional district boundaries based on a new census
What is Fiscal Federalism?
The use of spending by the national government through the grant process to influence state policies
What is an Unfunded Mandate?
A federal requirement that forces the states to spend their own money