multiplication and division | word problems | |
What is 6x9=
Mary has 15 cupcakes at her party.She has 3 tables.How many cupcakes will go to each table?
5 cupcakes
5 cupcakes
What is 54/6=
Elizabeth has 32 cookies and she has 8 people in swim club how many cookies will each person receive?
4 cookies
What is 11x10=
Emma has one cake,she has to share the cake equally between 5 friends.There are 11 pieces of cake.How many pieces of cake will remain?
6 pieces of cake will remain
What is 144/12=
Angela has 100 apples from apple picking she must give the same amour to her sister.How many apples will her sister get including her?
50 apples each
What is 13x10=
Tyler has 110 pennies he wants to sort them into groups of 11.How many pennies will go in each group of 11?
10 pennies will go in each group of 11