Things Mom Adds an 'S' To | Mom's Hidden Talents | Mom's Culinary Specialties | Secret Mom Things That Aren't So Secret | Famous Mom Sayings |
What is Barnes And Noble(s)
This is a singular chain of bookstores.
What is The Loud Whistle
This ability allows Mom to get large groups of people's attention, or to interrupt an argument.
What is Chocolate Cake
This is the staple of Calland birthdays.
What is Mom's Not-So-Secret Stash
This is the term for the hidden collection of Mom treats that is actually the least-hidden thing in the house.
What is Established/Published Author
GREAT MOM MOMENT: This occurred upon the printing of material regarding moving through the land without the benefit of footwear.
What is The Giant Pile Of Sand
GREAT MOM MOMENT: This landmark was so worth a multiple hour drive in 90-degree heat that the rest of the family went go-cart racing.
What is Garlic Nose
This is a name for Mom's ability to detect a certain seasoning at incredible distances.
What is Sausage Egg Casserole
This is the holiday dish most associated with Mom.
What are Bunions
This foot issue has required many footrubs by Dad.
What is Lady With A Baby
This saying regarding carrying items of value only grew in use through the 80's, culminating in a peak in the early 90's.
What is Smirnoff(s)
This is a singular alcoholic beverage.
What is Finding Towels On The Floor
Mom has an uncanny sense for discovering this post-shower practice that drives Mom apoplectic.
What is Blond Dinner
This monochromatic offering matches one of Mom's daughters.
What is a Double Domer
GREAT MOM MOMENT: This is the term for Mom's accomplishment in garnering multiple degrees over multiple visits to a single university.
What is Put Your Butt In A Sling
Possibly taken from Dad (but more effective from Mom), this saying, often used as a threat, regards supporting a certain section of anatomy.
What is The Horse-Hair Bracelet
GREAT MOM MOMENT: This keepsake is either incredibly sweet or kind of eerie. Maybe both.
What is Opening Jars
This ability allows Mom to open any metal container, no matter how tightly sealed.
What is Chicken Something
This dinner does not need to be defined beyond its primary ingredient.
What are Chick-Fil-A Visits
Trips to this restaurant chain shocked Dad.
What is Not A Command Performance
This saying defines an event at which presence is not mandatory.
What is Nordstrom(s)
This is a singular high-end clothing store. No really, it's singular, we swear.
What is Lunch Bag Art
This ability improved many a child's afternoon mealtime.
What is the Poo-Poo Platter
This alliterative dish had its zenith in the late 80's, but has not been seen much recently due to long cook times and health implications.
What are Hot Hands
The status of these Mom extremities makes temperature assertion nearly impossible.
What is She's A Solid Bunny
This saying could be mistaken for the quality of a basket item at Easter.