Containment | Remediation Basics | PPE | Mold Basics | SOP-Cleaning |
What is 3-10 microns
The average size of a mold spore
What is porous materials
The category of materials that must be discarded if contaminated
What is minimum PPE
N-95, gloves, goggles are part of this
What is temperature, water, oxygen, food, a spore
The five things mold needs to grow
What are feet/shoes
The number one source of cross contamination
What is stack or chimney effect
The effect that naturally pulls air up through the roof or attic
What is misting or fogging
A dust suppression method used prior to demo
What is Organic vapors, chemicals
A P-100 does not protect against these
What is moisture or water
To control mold you control this
What is make up air source or decon
Containment final cleaning starts here
What is 10-15 Feet
The distance between zip poles supporting containments
What is condition 3
The "condition" or term that describes source contamination
What is absorption, ingestion, inhalation
The main paths of entry for mold exposure
What are Mycotoxins
Chemical byproducts of mold
What is top to bottom
Cleanings walls occurs in this direction
What is negative pressure
Concave poly and 5 pascals is an indication of this
What are particles
The HEPA filter in an air scrubber filters these
What is Doff
The term- to take off PPE
What is Allergenic, pathogenic, toxigenic
The three categories in which mold can affect health
What is scrub and negative air mode
The two modes of operation of a HEPA air filtration device
What is HVAC system
The largest transport system of mold
What is 60%
The relative humidity level at which mold can spontaneously grow
What is partially resistant
The "P" in P-100 stands for this
What is mVOC
The odors produced by mold off gassing
What is a HEPA sandwich
A tasty meal that is also a cleaning process