months and days of the week | C-stem something to someone | A-stem something to someone | Maple Syrup/ Sugar Bush | long house |
what does ennihska mean?
You & I/Someone & I are sick
what does yonkeninonwaktani mean?
You & I/someone & I are happy
what does yonkwatshennonni mean?
Maple Sap
what does wahtakeri mean?
Turtle clan women
what does yotinyahton mean?
what does ohyariha mean?
what does sehskeha mean?what is the mohawk word for Friday?
what is the mohawk word for Know?
Wahta Ohses
what is the mohawk word for maple syrup
what is the mohawk word for turtle clan men?
what does sehskeha mean?what is the mohawk word for Friday?
They & I/ You all & I
what does yonkw mean?
Yakotshennonni tsi sanikonhraksen
how do you say she is happy that you are sad?
spile/ spout
What does O:wahtsta mean?
what is the mohawk word for bear clan men?
what does sehskeha mean?
i will continue to be sick
what does enwakenonwaktanihake mean
Yakoteyentare tsi Sanikonhriyo
how do you say she knows that you are content?
what is the mohawk word for pail?
Female entrance
what does Kannonkwe yakotaweyate mean?
what does yawententa'onh mean?
Aonke'nikonhraksenhake tsi yakononwaktani
how do you say i should be sad that she is sick
he knows that i am happy
what does roteyentare tsi wakatshennonni mean?
sugar bush
what does tsi tiwahtahne mean?
what direction do the men enter the longhouse?