Phonetic Alphabet | Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS procedures | Canadian Radio-Television Communications (CRTC) | Radio Terminology and History |
What is the phontetic alphabet?
The international system that associates words with specific letters of the alphabet.
When to use echo procedure?
This procedure is used during a vehicle and foot pursuits.
What is the acronym for Canadian Radio-Television Communications.
What is a spectrum?
Term used to describe the complete range of radio frequencies used for communication.
What is the phontetic letter for Z?
What is law enforcement procedure?
What procedure will use the terms BOLO (be on the look out) and ATL ( attempt to locate)?
What is rules of operations?
It is unlawful to broadcast false calls or fraudulent distress signals.
What is radio interoperability?
The ability for multiple agencies to converse with one another using common radio frequencies.
What is the phontetic letter for V?
What is fire and EMS procedure?
Minium amount of information during initial dispatch.
What is CRTC regulations breaking?
Broadcasting obscene language, such as profane language
What is a Radio?
Transmitting information without physical connections.
What is the phontetic letter for H?
What is a form notification?
Use of audible tones incuding: broadcasting over the radio, sound over the PA system, pagers, outdoor sirens
What is unlawful broadcasting?
Superfluous signals, messages or communications of any kind
What is the first radios way to communcate?
Dots and Dashes were used for communication
What is the phontetic letter for L?
What is the actions during post dispatch?
Calling other companies such as: law enforcement agencies, search and resuce, HAZMAT and utility companies.
What is the year that CRTC was established.
What is 1930?
This year is when radio broadcasts were often interrupted with "calling all cars"