patient profile | Third Party ID#s | True or False | Elements of a Prescription | Scenarios |
What is a DOB?
date of birth
What is a BIN?
the processor bank identification number?
A telephone number on a patient profile is absolutely required
What are the two names on a prescription?
Patient name and Prescriber name
What would you do if your prescription doesn't have a signature?
Call the Prescriber or their assistant to confirm.
What are the top two identifiers you get from a patient?
Name and DOB
What is a PCN?
processor control number
There´s a difference between NKA and NKDA
True no known drug allergies and no known allergies
What is DAW
dispense as written
What would you do when the patients address doesn't match with the patient profile?
Update the change of address
What is a third party payer?
an insurance
What is a member id number?
its a unique number to a primary insurance holder on a pan
A pharmacy technician can work with insurance
What is needed for a C2 prescription?
a DEA number
What are the two elements to confirm a patient?
Name and DOB
What is the poison prevention act state...?
That a patient must receive a child resistant cap,
What is a persons code?
Identifies which house hold member the insurance is about to cover
Even if a patient has no allergies, he should still put any sensitivity reactions on his patient profile
Does a prescription always need a DEA number?
no a DEA number is only required on controlled prescriptions
What do most pharmacies do when you pick up a prescription?
Ask for a driver´s license and write down who picked up the prescription.
What is the two absolute most important things that must be on a patient profile?
A HIPPA agreement, and the child resistant check box...
What are the first two possible digits for a PCN and what do they mean?
01- Primary Card Holder
02- A spouse or Domestic Partner 03- Child |
HIPPA states that when receiving a patient profile you must share with everyone the patients health information
What is the order of a prescriptions elements?
Pharmacy Name
Date Patient Name Medication Sig Order Quantity Amount of Refills Presciber SIgnature |
What does one do when there is a new patient in the pharmacy?
They must start a new patient profile.