individualized care, provider collaboration, provider collaboration
3 main elements for patient center care
good listening skills require concentration true or false
needs, preferences, privacy
individualize care requires that we respect each patients
discussing patient care with health care providers when visitors can hear
most often violations occur
written documentation, follow up
how to communicate finding to other members of health care team
adherence to their treatment plan, achieve higher quality outcomes
patient centered care can improve
if the patient is in pain or having trouble breathing ir can affect their comminucation true or false
4-12ft introductory stage encounter
social space when to use it
discuss patient information with other direct health care providers
good basic rule
when delivering pt to another unit or facility, at shift change, when colleague take over in case of emergency
when to hand off information
empathy, respect, sensitivity
individual care requires
initial assessment treatment monitoring
4 stages of communication progression
18 inch-4ft initial assessment
personal space when do we use it
teach back method, return demonstration
learning activities to evaluate results
situation, background, assessment, recommendation
body movement, facial expression, touch and eye movement
how can messages be sent when comminucation
introduction duration explanation thank
0-18 inch physical examination
intimate when do we use it
specific, measurable, action oriented, realistic, and time limited
action plans should be
how are you
not listening
what is our most common mistake
face patient, appropriate eye contact, open posture, use touch, actively listening, golden rule
techniques for effective communication
protected health information- address, social, medical insurance
risk of patients safety, increase of its stay, waste resources, less than optimal its outcome
failure to collaborate with other providers
I don't know what else to ask