Reconstruction & the New South 1865-1896 | Black American's: Progessive Era 1897-1917 | The 1920's | The Great Depression & New Deal 1929-1941 | Modern Civi Rights Movement 1945- present |
Black Codes
These codes were created by Southern whites in order to limit opportunities for African Americans. What are these codes?
To be inspired and to continue their education.
In W.E.B DuBois "Talented Ten" it caused African Americans to do what?
Harlem Renaissance
This African American movement describes black artistic and literary creativity in the 1920's. What is this movement?
WPA and the CCC jobs were often segregated.
What two New Deal programs help African Americans during the Great Depression?
Barack Obama
Elected in 2008 and became the first African American president in the U.S. Who is he?
It was a removal of all federal troops in the south which end reconstruction and gave conservatives Southern Democrats some control over the local patronage.
Explain the compromise of 1877
Washington supported the idea of self-improvement rather than long range social change. DuBois stressed fighting full political and social rights
What is the difference between W.E.B DuBois and Booker T. Washington?
(Daily Double) |
Universal Negro Improvement Association
What does UNIA stand for?
Blacks that participated with the responsibility in the government.
What is the Black cabinet or the Black Brain Trust?
What are the non -violent civil disobedience protest in colleges?
the Jim Crow Laws
Designed to enforce racial segregation and denied black americans their civil rights was what law?
To achieve equality and justice in court and to establish and anti-lynching act which was never established.
Created by DuBois, what was the NAACP goals for African Americans?
Black Pride
With the influence of Marcus Garvey, this idea wanted African American to be happy and proud of their culture. This became know as what?
Administration tripled the number of African working for the federal government.
What did FDR administration help towards African Americans?
Malcom X believed in Violence if necessary, MLK believed in non-violence civil disobedience
What is the difference strategies between Malcom X and MLK to stop segregation?
To seek for economic opportunities rather than political rights.
In Booker T. Washington Atlantic Exposition speech, he wanted African American to seek what?
Ida B. Well-Barrett
An African American Civil Right advocate and an early advocate of women rights, who wanted and anti-lynching act to be established. Who is she?
National identity of being African America
What is black nationalism?
The Democratic Party
Majority of Black voters switch to what party during the Great Depression?
Marcus Garvey, Elijah Muhammad, Stokely Carmichael, Huey Newton
Name two some leaders who favored separatism?
(Daily Double) |
Plessy vs. Ferguson
This court case officially declared segregation is legal leading to the enforcement of Jim Crow Laws and Claim that it is "separate but equal". What is this case?
It revived the KKK making activities of the KKK look heroic.
The epic film, "Birth of a Nation (1915)", influence the KKK by showing what?
James Weldon Johnson, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Josephine Baker
Name two of the key figure of the Harlem Renaissance?
Segregation, and justice
What topics didn't the New Deal directly confront towards African Americans?
The African American Establish control over their economic and political life
What did the black power movement advocated?