Fall Hazards | Assertiveness | Exercise | Personal Action Planner | Proactive Behaviors |
What is be proactive?
Think before you move.
What is assertiveness?
This allows you control over your ability to stay safe.
What are barriers that keep you from exercising?
It's too cold! My knee hurts! I don't have a car!
What is inactivity?
This barrier reduces health, safety and independence.
What are self motivating thoughts?
This activity opens doors to personal challenges.
What are assistive devices?
Walkers, canes, walking sticks, someone's elbow
What is positive thinking?
One way to reduce fears and obstacles to exercise.
What is lower extremity strength?
This help you get out of a chair.
What is be responsible for your actions?
I am in charge of my safety!
What is regular exercise?
This activity prepares you for increased activity.
What is low blood pressure?
This may affect your balance when you rise from sitting.
What is talk to your doctor?
Talk to this person to keep them informed.
What is balance?
This helps when standing on one foot.
What is rest and sleep?
Supports motivation, energy and overall health.
What is "Don't be afraid to call for help when you fall!"?
What is Fall-ty Habits?
These behaviors increase the chances of falling.
What is schedule yearly checkups?
I can't see the street sign!
What is flexibility exercises?
These exercises improve ability to adjust balance.
What is set goals?
These are important because we all have different abilities to improve.
What is reduce fall risks?
Reduce $34 billion cost!
What are fall hazards in the home?
Pets, electrical cords, wet tile
What is find a supportive buddy?
Let's join a yoga class!
What is Endurance?
These exercises help you to stay active longer.
What is medications need to be taken routinely?
Set these by your recliner.
What is cell phone?
Keep this in a pocket to be proactive.