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37 weeks
How many weeks gestation is considered full term?
soft foods (adjust texture PRN, small frequent meals, PO supplements if needed, lidocaine-containing mouth wash for pain
What is the MNT for oral candidiasis
How many bolus cans (assume 237-250ml can) would a patient require who is currently on a 60ml/h x 24h tube feed?
6 cans/day
Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath
What is dyspnea?
Diabetic nephropathy
What is the most common reason for ESRD
What are the fluid needs for an infant who weights 8.8kg?
30-40 kcal-kg and 1.2-2 g/kg protein
What are the calorie and protein needs for an underweight pt with AIDS
c.difficile infection, antibiotics, bowel regimen
Name other causes for diarrhea in a tube patient that is not because of the tube feed?
High calorie high protein
What type of diet is recommended for a patient with COP, shortness of breath
25-35 kcal/kg, 1-1.5g/kg, increased fluids for diarrhea, replete lytes
What is the MNT for Chron's and Colitis Flare
1 year of age
When should cow's milk be introduced?
Food safety! Hand washing, wash fruits and vegetables, temperature control, etc
What is the MNT for neutropenia
When PO/EN meets >75% of ENN
At what point should TPN be discontinued when transitioning from PN to PO or PN to EN?
Protein, 1.2-2g (BMI <30 using CBW), 2-2.5g (BMI >30, using IBW)
Which macronutrient do critically ill patients typically require more of and give the range?
Eat 15-20g simple carbs, wait 15 min recheck FS
What is the first thing a patient with hypoglycemia should do?
Encourage high calorie high protein foods, limit juice and excess milk, feeding schedule, etc
Mention 3 nutrition interventions for a toddler with malnutrition
anorexia (also weight loss, metabolic abnormalities, hypermetabolic rate, etc)
Increased levels of circulating cytokines in a patient with cancer are associated with that symptoms
Patients with egg allergy cannot receive what part of TPN?
Immune function, gut integrity
Trophic/trickle feeding of the gut helps promote...
Name the procedure that involves aspirating fluid from a body cavity, often the abdomen
High calorie/high protein, pancreatic enzymes, salt supplement, supplement fat soluble vitamins
What are two recommendations for patients with CF (cystic fibrosis)
B12, Ca, D and folic acid
Micronutrient supplementation for stomach cancer (unless otherwise indicated)
Start low and go slow! Monitor Phos, Mg, K and replete, start Thiamine and multivitamin
Patients at high risk of refeeding syndrome should have feeds advanced how?
catabolism, muscle wasting, increased calorie/protein needs, anorexia, difficulty taking adequate PO
Name at least 2 nutrition consequences of ARDS
American Society of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition
What does ASPEN stand for?