In the Beginning | Mr. Webster | Our folks | Baby steps | ..and Beyond |
Who is William Carey?
American male missionary who is cited to be the father of modern day missions
What is an unreached people group?
A people group whose has no native community of believing Christians with adequate numbers or resources to evangelize their own people
What schools make up the AUC?
Spelman, Morehouse, Clark Atlanta
What is giving financially?
The way the Philippian church shared in ministry with Paul
What is a closed country?
A politically hard to get to country that may also be resistant or hostile to the gospel
Who is Jim Elliot?
American male missionary known for saying "He is no fool who give what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."
What is the 10/40 window?
the rectangular area of North Africa, the Middle East and Asia approximately between 10 degrees north and 40 degrees north latitude; this area is home to the most unreached people groups in the world
What is Campus Outreach?
the ministry in which the Thedfords and Johnsons spend their time
What is koinonia?
A word used in the New Testament that can be translated "partnership"
What is debt?
One of the biggest factors that stops would-be missionaries from going to the field
Who is
George Lisle- went to Jamaica in 1782 Lott Cary- went to Liberia 1821 Betsey Stockton- went to present day Hawaii in 1823
Name an African American missionary (epc missionaries excluded)
What is indigenous?
originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native
What is Montgomery, Alabama?
the location of Strong Tower Church
What is the Missions 101 class this fall?
One way you can learn more about missions at EPC
What is 7,000?
The approximate number of unreached people groups in the world
Who is Stephen. (Acts 7)
The first martyr of the Christian Church
What is business as missions?
(or tent-making)
a strategy of doing business in areas of the world in order to make disciples
What is Johannesburg, South Africa?
the city that the Byrd family calls "home"
What are Praying, Financially Supporting, Going to campus to share the Gospel, or Discipling a student?
One way Pascual mentioned you could be involved in their ministry
What is India?
The nation with the most amount of unreached people groups
What is the great commission?
the sentence that began missions
What is a reached people group?
a people group with the presence of a growing local church
Who is Zurel, Zoey, Zach, Zion, and Zuri?
Mwamba and Nyema Johnson's 5 children
What is a whole lotta prayer?
A right response to the desire to GO or to SEND
Who is William Carey?
This famous missionary charged his friends to "hold the ropes" while he ventured to share the Gospel in India