Musical Things We Happen To Know | Facts About Us | Finish that Line | Fort Garrison | Hints About Our Enemies/Characters |
What is the chorus of "I Oughta Know" by Alanis Morissette?
'Cause the love that you gave that we made
Wasn't able to make it enough for you To be open wide, no And every time you speak her name Does she know how you told me You'd hold me until you died 'Til you died, but you're still alive |
Who is more like Katya and why?
Sophie-- because she is the darker-humored of the two of us
Gotta feel bad ___
For sad bitches
Who is the fish feeder?
Gil Feldman
Who is the scariest boyfriend AJ ever had?
Justin Seidman
Who is the King of Pop?
THE Michael Jackson
Who is AJ in a relationship with?
Noah, her Oedipal step-sibling.
_____, I'm a woman of the night
I'm not a whore
What is the reason we aren't allowed back?
They think we want to commit arson or kidnapping
What is the worst sexual experience Sophie has had?
Steedman's bush
What musical character sings the Do Re Mi song from the Sound of Music?
Julie Andrews
What is the primary reason for each of our traumas?
AJ- her mother
Sophie- her ex |
I think my grandma _____
Poisoned me with her chicken
Who was a part of the biggest fake relationship?
Robert Bledsoe & Breanne Marsh
What started Sophie and AJ's lowest points emotionally?
Dawson & Bryan
Who is a music visionary?
Julie Andrews
What is the number of cars have we collectively crashed
3/4 cars
The pocket dial giveth, ____
and the pocket dial taketh
What was the best place to shop?
Connie Clark's school store
Who is the person who awoke AJ to her feelings for Jared?
Andrew Kasner
Who is the most despicable character in Hamilton: The Musical?
Samuel Seabury
What is our go-to place to talk shit?
Fuck you, _____
Mindi Mummerfield.
What is the reason you were a loser at FGES?
You weren't in the advanced recorder club
Who is our favorite person to stalk on Facebook?
Jolie Frieman