What Am I - Part 2 Types of Rock Elements and Minerals Anything Goes
What is platinum?
I am the metal that is more valuable than gold or silver.
What is igneous rock?
A type of rock formed when magma solidifies.
What is minerology?
The branch of geology that deals with the identification and classification of minerals.
What is a stratum?
A horizontal rock layer that has a different type of rock layer above it.
What is pumice?
I am a porous, lightweight structure containing millions of tiny bubbles that is so light that it floats in water.
What is sedimentary rock?
A type of rock formed when deposits of sand and mineral fragments are cemented together.
What are native elements?
Substances that exist naturally in the earth's crust as single, uncombined elements and are the smallest group of minerals.
What is conglomerate rock?
Rock that consists of smooth pebbles embedded in hardened sand or clay.
What is limestone?
I am a well-known chemical sedimentary rock, of which 50% consists of calcium carbonate.
What is amorphous rock?
Rocks that have a smooth, glasslike texture.
What are minerals
Substances that are found naturally in the earth and have a crystalline structure.
What are evaporates?
Chemical sediments that result from the evaporation of water.
What is granite?
I am a course-grained igneous rock that is usually found in massive formations and composes most of the earth's continental crust.
What are foliated rocks?
Rocks made up of layers like the leaves of a book.
What are crystals?
Geometric structures that are composed of atoms or molecules and have an orderly arrangement.
What are phosphorescent minerals?
Minerals that continue to glow for a while after being exposed to ultraviolet light and then placed in the dark.
What is shale?
I am the most common sedimentary rock.
What is metamorphic rock?
A type of rock formed when preexisting rocks are altered by heat or pressure.
What are silicates?
The largest group of minerals, which compose over 90% of the earth's crust.
What are concretions?
Hard, round structures that form when minerals settle out of water and crystalize around a sand grain or other mineral fragment.

Minerals and Rocks - Part 2

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