Vocabulary | Vocabulary 2 | Migration to the Americas | Early American Cultures | The Rise of Empires |
What is a theory
A possible explanation
What is a drought
long periods without rain
What is they walked across the land bridge
one theory of how early people migrated
What is they used them for burial places for important chiefs
A reason the mound builders built mounds
What is they conquered other peoples
How did the Aztecs extend their borders to reach from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans
What is surplus
More than needed
What are glaciers
thick sheets of ice
What is the hunters followed the animals
one theory of why people migrated from Asia to the Americas
What is they dug ditches
How did the Anasazi become successful farmers?
What is a calendar
What developed because of the Mayas studying the stars
What is slavery
The practice of holding people against their will
What is migrate
movement of people
What is they hunted
How did early Americans get food?
What is artifacts
What told us that trade was important to mound builders
What is they were able to specialize
What resulted from the Mayan food surplus
What is an empire
a group of lands and peoples ruled by one leader
What is a ceremony
activity done for a special purpose or event
What is wherever food was available
where did the early people live during the Ice Age
What is Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico
What are the "four corners"
What is farming
What area were the Maya extremely successful
What is civilization
culture with organized system of government, religion and learning
What is the Ice Age
long period of extreme cold
What is they became hunter gathers
What happened to people when the larger animals died out
What is cliff dwellers
What were the Anasazi also know as
What is the Inuit
Who traveled from Asia to America 2500 years ago