Classroom Vocabulary & Masculine/Feminine | Numbers | Phrases | Time & Calendar Vocabulary | Greetings, Goodbye's, & Emotions |
What is la grapadora?
the stapler
What is 12?
What is "What time is it?
Que hora es?
What is noon?
What is "Good morning."?
Buenos dias.
What is las banderas?
the flags
What is 31?
treinta y uno
What is "How are you?"
Como estas?
What is cuarto?
What is "What is your name?
Como te llamas?
What is el cuaderno?
the notebook
What is 50?
What is "el gusto es mio"?
The pleasure is mine
What is "It is 1."
Es la una.
What is mucho gusto?
Nice to meet you.
What is el cartel?
the poster
What is sesenta y siete?
What is "De donde eres?
Where are you from?
What is early?
What is encantado?
What is los pupitres?
the student desks
What is ciento ochenta y cuatro?
What is "Cual es la fecha?
What is the date?
What is "Son las doce y media." ?
It is 12:30.
What is igualmente?
Same here.