Healthcare Basics | Types of Care | Healthcare cost & stats | Public Insurance | MISC |
Is healthcare a human right or good/service?
restoring health or improving function after an illness or injury
What is rehab? restoring health or improving function after an illness or injury
What is the fraction of all economic activity that we spend on healthcare?
65+ and having paid into FICA for 10 years or more
What are the criteria to qualify for medicare?
patients, providers, payers, policy makers, etc.
What are the major stakeholders in healthcare?
What is different about the US healthcare system? we don't provide free healthcare for all
What is different about the US healthcare system?
No, we can only minimize advancement of the disease and help people deal with symptoms
Can we cure chronic conditions?
3 Billion
How much does the US spend on healthcare each year?
kids who's parents don't qualify for medicaid but can't afford to cover their kids
Who is CHIP for? kids who's parents don't qualify for medicaid but can't afford to cover their kids
overtreatment, uncoordinated treatment, lack of transparency and info sharing
What are the major healthcare failures we talked about?
provider shortages
What is one of our major issues in healthcare?
Where is a pharmacist most likely to work (clinic or community)?
What is the percentage of care that is run by the government?
healthcare for active military personnel and their families
What is TRICARE?
safe, accessible, convenient options
What do patients want?
Health restoration
We have 2 parts to our healthcare. What is they part of healthcare that limits the spread of a disease, alleviates symptoms, and helps people cope? Health restoration
referral from primary care
What is often needed to see a specialist?
we do not have price caps/negotiations
What is one of the major reasons for high healthcare costs?
low income status or medically needy
What is the criteria for medicaid?
providers to treat them well
What do employers want?
bathing, dressing, eating
What are ADLs (activities of daily living)?
when they have an immediate but not life threatening situation
When should someone go to the urgent care?
NHSNHI's charge people based on ability to pay, don't allow people to go uncovered, and run their healthcare through the government
What is one of the major differences between NHS/NHI and the US system? |
VHA, Tricare, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, TANF, Workman's comp., American Indian Healthcare programs
What are all the forms of public insurance?
When people get money for referring patients to other providers
What are kickbacks?