Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 |
What is communication?
The transmission of a message from a source to a receiver.
What is concentration of ownership?
Ownership of different and numerous media companies concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.
What is the Whole Booke of Psalms or the Bay Psalm Book?
The first book printed in the United States.
What is the Bill of Right?
The first ten amendments in the US constitution.
What is circulation?
Total number of issues of a magazine that are sold.
What is interpersonal communication?
Communication between two or a few people.
What is conglomeration?
The increase in ownership of media outlets by non-media companies.
What is the Stamp Act?
Passed by England to recoup money for the French and Indian War in 1765. This made printing freely more difficult.
What is a wire service?
News gathering organization that provide content to members.
What is a magalogue?
Designer catalogue produced to look like a consumer magazine.
What is a mass medium?
A technology that carries messages to a large number of people.
What is narrowcasting?
Aiming broadcast programming at smaller, more demographically homogeneous audiences; also called niche marketing and targeting
What is a dime novel?
Originated by Irwin and Erastus Beadle these inexpensive books of the 19th and 20th century were mostly about frontier and adventure stories.
What is yellow journalism?
Early 20th century journalism emphasizing sensational sex, crime, and disaster news.
What is muckracking?
A form of crusading journalism that primarily used magazines to agitate for change.
What is technological determinism?
The idea that machines and their development drive economic and cultural change.
What is hypercommercialism?
Product placement, brand entertainment, and payola are examples of this.
What is aliteracy?
Possessing the ability to read but unwilling to do so.
What is a newspaper chain?
Papers in different cities across the country owned by a single company.
What is the Postal Act of 1879?
This act helped magazines to spread by making it cheaper to mail them.
What is media literacy?
The ability to effectively and efficiently comprehend and utilize mass communication.
What is convergence?
The erosion of traditional distinctions among media.
What are subsidiary rights?
The sale of a book, its contents, even its characters to outside interests, such as filmmakers.
What is agenda setting?
Media influence not only what we think but what we think about.
What is an advertorial?
Ads that appear in magazines and take on the appearance of genuine editorial content.