Validation Dialectics Willingness ?????????? DBT
Communicating to another person (or yourself) that his/her/your feelings, thoughts, and actions make sense and are understandable to you in a particular situation.
What is validation?
Two things that seem like (or are) opposites and are both true.
What is a dialectic?
1. Allowing the world to be what it is and participating in it fully.
2. Doing just what is needed- no more, no less.
3. Being effective
4. Listening carefully to your Wise Mind and deciding what to do.
What is willingness?
[Group leaders' discretion]
For one team members: Make a validating statement to someone on the other team.
True or False: Talking about dangerous activities in group is encouraged so that the group can process the behavior.
True or False: We validate behavior such as doing drugs if we understand why we do that behavior
3. DBT can be effective and some of the skills don't work for me.
Which of the following is a dialectical statement?

1. DBT is stupid and will never help me.
2. DBT is the best, has the most talented and awesome group leaders, and is all I will ever need.
3. DBT can be effective and some of the skills don't work for me.
Willfulness is...

1. Refusing to tolerate a situation or giving up.
2. Trying to change a situation that cannot be changed
3. Refusing to change something that must be changed
4. The "terrible twos": ""
5. The opposite of "doing what works"
In a dialectic where Willingness is on one side, what is on the other side? How would you define it?
3. Validate any behavior so you don't seem judgmental.
Which of the following is not an effective strategy for validating someone?

1. Assume the best about the person.
2. Provide praise and reassurance.
3. Validate any behavior so you don't seem judgmental.
4. Understand that your validation might be hard to accept or that it might seem insincere.
Biosocial theory
What is the name of Marsha Linehan's theory behind BPD?
It communicates judgment and that there is a right and wrong way to think, feel, or act.
Why do we avoid the word "should" when validating ourselves or someone else?
1. Move to both/and thinking and away from either/or and extreme words
2. Practice looking at all sides of a situation and all points of view.
3. Remember that nobody has the absolute truth. Be open to alternatives.
4. Use "I feel..." statements
5. Accept that different opinions can be valid even if you disagree.
6. Check your assumptions.
7. Do not expect others to know what you are thinking.
Name a way to think dialectically.
To notice that you are not accepting reality and make an inner commitment to accept things just as they are.
What does it mean to turn your mind?
3. And
Which of the following words is encouraged in DBT?

1. Should
2. But
3. And
4. Never
Experiencing emotions more often, more intensely, and for longer periods of time.
What three things make up emotional vulnerability?
[Group leaders' discretion]
For three team members: Make a validating statement to your parent/teenager.
[Group leaders' discretion]
For two team members: Give an example of a dialectic in your life.
[Group leaders' discretion]
For two team members: Give an example of a time you practiced Willingness in an important relationship.
[Group leaders' discretion]
Role play this scenario, stating your beliefs as passionately as possible. Then start using skills to move to the middle path.

A teenager has been having problems with a teacher. She feels the teacher is unfairly critical and singles her out. There have been several times the teenager got in trouble for something that she didn't do. Her parents agree that the teacher is wrong. The teenager wants her parents to go to the school and talk with the principal about this problem, while the parents want the teenager to handle the problem using DBT skills.
An environment that tells you your emotions are weird, wrong, or bad; that ignores your emotional reactions and does nothing to help you; and/or that says things like "Don't be such a baby!" "Quit your blubbering!" or "Normal people don't get this frustrated."
What is an invalidating environment?

Middle Path

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