Middle Colonies | Vocabulary | William Penn's Holy Experiment | William Penn | Vocabulary 2 |
What are three advantages that the Middle Colonies offered.
Great Climate, Ideal for Farming, freadom of Religion
What is a Cooper
A person who makes and creates Barrels
What is Philadelphia
Capital of Penn's colony and its most thriving town
What is Quake
The spirit of God Caused the Friends to_____
What is a legislature
A group of lawmakers (chapter 6)
Where did most settlers come from
What is a Quaker
A person of the Society of Friendship religion.
What is the Lenape?
The indian Tribe who negotiated a peace treaty with William Penn
What is Freedom of Religion
A Guarantee Penn had given to the settlers
What is a port
Area near water that is used to load and unload people and goods
What did Settlers trade to the Native Americans
What is a pacifist
A person who does not believe in war or fighing
What is Dissenter
A person who speaks out on behalf of the beliefs that are not popular within a community
What is The Walking Purchas
Penn's Son's Cheated the Lenape in the _______
What is a Proprieter
Person who owns the right to posses a particular place. (Penn's Holy Experiment)
What What nick name did the Middle Colonies recieve.
The Bread Colonies
What is Frame of Government
a guide to how government is run in the Middle colonies.
What is Creed
The religious beliefs that a person follows
What is Pennsylvania
The name ______ Means Penn's Woods
What is gristmill
A mill that is mean to turn grain into flour
What are three advantages that the Middle Colonies offered.
Great Climate, Ideal for Farming, freadom of Religion
What is cultural borrowing
Using ideas of one culture to enrich a different culure
What is egalitarian
Someone who believes all human beings are equal and should be treated equally
What is England
Where William Penn was Originally From
What is the Iroquois League?
A group of Native Americans lead by 5 and later 6 chiefs