Germanic Kingdoms Unite | Dark Ages Video | Life in the Middle Ages | Feudalism | Crusades Map |
What are Germanic invasions?
These events led to the decline of education in Western Europe.
What are Holy Wars fought in name of faith?
Clovis used religion in this way to justify his conquests.
What is serfs live/work for lords and lords provide protection.
The exchange between serfs and lords.
What is the system for organizing how land would be used and controlling people.
Describe the two components of feudalism.
What is Christianity and Islam?
The Crusades were fought between which two religions?
Who is Clovis?
The Frankish leader who created a united kingdom and spread Christianity.
What is reuniting the empire of Rome?
The dream of emperor Justinian.
What is the first time an English monarch comes under control of the law.
The significance of the Magna Carta.
What is peasant villages, church, farmland, mill, lords castle.
Name three things included within a lords manor.
What is France?
From which part of Europe did most Crusaders come?
What is politics and missionaries?
Name the two ways that Christianity spread through Western Europe.
What are monasteries?
The "light" of the Dark Ages.
What is birds, beasts, mutton, venison, etc.
Three items you might find in a medieval pantry.
What is lord provides knights, bishops provide money and prayer?
What is the difference between a lord and bishop?
Who are Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, King Philip II of France, Richard the Lionheart.
Name the three European kings who participated in the Third Crusade.
What is the Battle of Tours?
The battle fought by Charles the Hammer which halted Muslim invasions into Christian territories.
What is 350?
The number of countries Charlemagne divided his kingdom into.
Where is China?
Where the Bubonic Plague originated.
What is freemen could leave the manor, serfs had to stay on the manor.
State the difference between Freemen and Serfs/Villeins.
What was the First Crusade?
The Crusade that was the most successful.
What is the Treaty of Verdun?
After Charlemagne's heirs take over, this document officially split his former empire into three.
What is knowledge, trade, architecture, rebuilt roads, travel?
Two things that were brought back to Europe from the Crusades.
What is theater and music?
Two items of entertainment during the middle ages.
What is only those of a noble birth could become knights.
What was the importance of a noble birth?
What is Constantinople?
The Byzantine city that almost every Crusade went through.