People | Places | What | What 2 | Bonus |
What is Vikings?.
These were Scandinavians who invaded Europe.
What is Europe?
This is the continent where the Middle Ages primarily took place.
What is a pilgrimage?
This is a journey for a religious purpose.
What is a joust?
This was a contest between two knights.
What is sins of the soul?
This was considered the main cause of illness.
What is a page?
He is a boy of seven years who served in a castle and
learned manners. |
What is a fief?
This was the land people lived on in the Middle Ages.
What is the code of chivalry?
This is a set of rules for knights.
What is the fall of Rome?
The event that led to the Middle Ages.
What is wool?
Most clothing was made from this.
What is a serf?
This was a farm worker who was bound to the land.
What is a moat?
This is a deep ditch that surrounds the castle.
What is the peasantry?
Serfs and freemen together make up this social group.
What is feudalism?
This is an economic, political, and social system
that organized people during the Middle Ages. |
What is Gothic?
Besides Romanesque, there was this achitectural
style. |
What is a knight?
This is a military servant of a feudal king or lord.
What is the manor?
This is the main house on the land of the king.
What is a castle?
This is a fortified military residence.
What is a guiild?
This is a group that organized workers.
What is a nun?
The female counterpart to a monk was a_________,
What is the lord?
This individual organizes the workload on a manor.
What are England and France?
These two kingdoms fought one another during the One Hundred Years War.
What is bloodletting?
A common medical practice during the Middle Ages.
What is bread?
What is the staple of the Middle Ages diet?
What is Catholic?
What denomination was the Middle Age church?