USMC HISTORY | Uniforms | MFEA | 0111 |
Camp Montford Point
Where did African American Marines go to bootcamp?
no wider than the width of the head
How wide can a females bun be?
MGen King and SgtMaj McDonald
Who is the CG and SgtMaj of MFEA?
Type of Transaction Code
What does TTC stand for
Captain Samuel Nicholas
Who was the first Marine
centered and 1/2 of an in from the collar
what is the measurement of chevrons on our collars?
London England
Where was MFEA before Germany
Summary, Special, General
three types of Court Martials
Cpl Kyle Carpenter
Who was awarded the most recent Medal of Honor?
while pregnant
When is it a female Marine not authorized to wear an tanker jacker or service sweater
When was MFEA founded?
SSgt and above
What rank can you no longer NJP a Marine
5th and 6th Marine Regiment
What unit was at Belleau Wood
no more than 2 on the same side
how many service/identification badges can be worn on one side?
Approximately how many marines are with HQ MFEA
8 years
At what year can a enlisted Marine receive seps pay
Navajo Code
What code was unbreakable in WW2
Fleet Marine Force, Europe
What was MFEA name at first
Diary feed back report, three types, the transaction/failure/info
what does DFR stand for and how many types are there and what do they mean?