empires | kings | life in Mesopotamia | farming | religon |
Akkadian empire
what was the first empire
what did the kings make to protect there empires from invasions?
noble boys or men
____________were mostly the only ones to be educated .
they would give it to the priest who would pass it equally to the city.
what would farmers do with there crop or who would they give them too.
nobles would hire them so they could keep track of their belongings
what was cuneiform needed for ( or scribes ) ?
Assyrian empire
what empire had the strongest military
king Nebuchadnezzar
what ruler of the four great empires made the garden of the seven wonders of the world for his wife.
a clay tablet.
what did people write on.
the process of taming a animal to either be a pet or help. EX: dogs, horses, dolphins etc.
the process of taming a living thing that is used to the wild life.
he would flood the cities"
what was the god of water believed to do when the people made him mad.
a empire would rise and when it falls another takes over.
what was the cycle of empires
depends on presenter ----->
name one law from Hammurabi's code
they would plow soil dragging water with them.
what would people make back in Mesopotamia to make sure there crops had water.
mesopotamian cities population was mostly farmers and scribes also other jobs
true to false |
did every city have a god representing it?
Babylon empire
what empire had a set of laws for its citizens to follow
king Hammurabi
what king made a set of laws for his empire?
what was a artist or painter called in Mesopotamia.
what else helped them to make crops or plow.
animals or airplane |
a priest.
what were the people called that would communicate with gods?
Akkadian, Assyrian, Chaldean, Babylon empires.
Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylon, Chaldean empire(neo-Babylonian
sargon the great
who was the first ruler of the first empire?
a scribe
what was a writer called in Mesopotamia.
the process of dragging water into plants and making a half tube mark left on the soil.
what is plowing?
a ziggurat.
what building would be be in the center of cities and would be used to communicate with gods?