Mental Health Treatment Stress Management Coping Skills Facts/ Riddles
What is resilience?
adapting well in face of adversity - learn and grow from difficult situation
What is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties
and the ability to bounce back?
What is medication and counselling/therapy?
Medication is one form of treatment, but what is the best way to treat someone experiencing mental health difficulties?
What is 8-10 hours? - this helps maintain emotional well being.
What is the recommended amount of sleep for teens?
What are healthy coping skills?
Talking to someone you trust, laughing, meditation, and positive self talk are all...
What is a cold?
What can you catch but not throw?
What is depression?
-long term bullying, illness, family issues, poor self image
Lack of chemicals in the brain like serotonin, dopamine, and stressful life events are causes of what mental health issue?
What is it can be difficult to talk about, teens fear being judged and they do not want to bother others?
Name two reasons why teens hesitate to get help with their mental health?
What is 30 minutes? -this increases endorphins (triggers a good feeling in the body) and feel good neurotransmitters. Can increase your energy level
How much daily exercise is recommended for youth?
What is journaling?
This coping skill requires you to write your thoughts down on paper.
What is a stamp?
What goes around the world but stays in the corner?
What is PTSD?

-trouble sleeping, nightmares, difficulty focusing
This disorder is characterized by depression, anxiety, and flashbacks.
What is treatment can improve your motivation, productivity, and mood?
Why is treatment/support important?
What is a racing heart rate and increase in adrenaline?
-Physiological reaction to perceived threat - helps you act quickly
Name one of the changes a body goes through during the flight or fight response?
What is a better mood, better management of emotions, and ability to decrease/manage symptoms of mental health issues?
Name a benefit of healthy coping skills?
What is a secret?
If you have it you don't share it. If you share it you don't have it.
What is anxiety?

-excessive worry, sleep difficulties, feeling nauseous
Some symptoms of this disorder include; sweating, trembling, sense of dread, breathing rapidly, and increase in heart rate.
What is CBT? Cognitive Behavior Therapy
thoughts impact emotions which impact behaviors
CBT Improves emotion regulation
This form of psychotherapy helps a person learn to recognize negative patterns of thought and replaces them with healthier ways of thinking.
What is riding a roller coaster, exercising, or getting a new job.
Not all stress is bad- we have a survival response to stress. Stress hormones released and then brain signal safe so then body stops producing stress hormones
Name two positive stressors.
What is reading, breathing exercises, playing with a pet, drawing, muscle relaxation- mindfulness?
Name two coping skills.
What is False?
1 in 5 youth between 15 and 24 have a mental health diagnosis
It is rare for teens to get a mental health diagnosis?
What is an eating disorder?

-genetics, brain chemistry, hormone factors
This mental health disorder affects all ages, genders, races, it is biologically influenced, there are risks of medical complications, and full recovery is possible.
What are services in Napanee where you can seek support?
The Maltby Centre and AMHS are...
What is long term stress?
Over time this can contribute to serious health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and some mental health disorders.
What are unhealthy ways of coping?
Oversleeping, isolating yourself from others, and substance over use are..
What is true? You can recover and lead a healthy productive life.
-helps to control stress, boost self esteem
There is no cure for mental health disorders?

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