Therapeutic communication | Schizophrenia | Mental health assessment | Dementia | Pharmacology |
What is rapport?
This is what is created when we show respect, empathy, and positive regard towards the client. It is dependent on trust.
What are positive symptoms of schizophrenia?
Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, paranoia, bizarre behaviour fall within this category of symptoms.
What is judgement?
The ability to make rationale decisions and understand right from wrong.
What are responsive behaviours?
a term for behaviours that a person with dementia has, in response to their environment
What is lithium?
It is important to monitor the blood levels of this mood stabilizer, as it has a narrow therapeutic range.
What is the working phase of the therapeutic relationship?
Working on problem solving and goal setting, overcoming resistance behaviours, gathering further data.
What is anhedonia?
A term for the lack of ability to feel pleasure
What is intellectual functioning?
Personal psychiatric history, mental status changes, MSE: This category falls within one of the categories of the PIECES assessment.
What is Alzheimer's disease?
The most prevalent type of dementia
What is dopamine?
A neurotransmitter involved in cognition, motivation, and movement and that also stimulates the heart.
What is Reflecting?
Patient: "Do you think I should tell the doctor?"
Nurse: "Do you think you should tell the doctor?" This is an example of what active listening skill? |
What are negative symptoms of schizophrenia?
Lack of speech, motivation, ability to feel pleasure, blunted affect, attention deficits, poor eye contact fall within this category of symptoms.
What is appearance?
Age, dress, eye contact, posture, grooming are examples of this part of the MSE.
What is dementia?
A group of symptoms affecting thinking, social abilities, and emotional responses severely enough to interfere with daily functioning.
What are Second-Generation (SGA) or Atypical Antipsychotic Agents
This class of medications treats both negative and positive symptoms of schizophrenia, and has fewer side effects of EPS.
What is the termination phase of the therapeutic relationship?
Summarizing achievements and goals, discussing integration of new techniques into daily life, are addressed in this phase of the therapeutic relationship.
What is catatonic schizophrenia?
While in the hyperactive state of this form of schizophrenia, patients may mimick words or gestures.
What is thought content?
Suicidal ideations, obsessions, paranoia, delusions are examples of this part of the MSE.
What is confabulation?
Making up stories or answers to maintain self-esteem when the person does not remember
What are benzodiazepines?
A class of medications that promote activity of GABA, and have a calming effect on the CNS, and which can also be habit forming.
What is respect?
"Recognition of the inherent
dignity, worth and uniqueness of every individual, regardless of socio-economic status, personal attributes and the nature of the health problem." (CNO, 2006, p.3). |
What is disorganized schizophrenia?
A type of schizophrenia with illogical, purposeless behaviors and thoughts. The person may have incoherent speech, and inappropriate affect and emotional response.
What is perception?
Hallucinations, depersonalization, illusions are examples of this part of the MSE.
What is agnosia?
Loss of sensory ability to recognize objects
What is neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS)?
An acute emergency reaction caused by antipsychotics that involve muscle rigidity, confusion, agitation, and increased temperature, pulse and BP