Early Life | Prophecies | Habits and Characteristics | The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam | Miscellaneous |
He was born on February 13th, 1835 C.E., before sunrise. He was born in Qadian, India
Where and when was the Promised Messiah(as) born?
He received a revelation after his father passed away because he was worried about his financial resources.
Why did the Promised Messiah(as) receive a revelation when his father passed away?
He wasn't very fond of walking around aimlessly and didn't participate in mischief with his playmates.
What was the Promised Messiah(as) like as a child?
The book was published in 1905
When was the book 'The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam' first published?
What was the first book that the Promised Messiah(as) as wrote?
The Promised Messiah's(as) father was a skilled physician.
What was the profession of the Promised Messiah's(as) father?
He received his first revelation because Allah was proud that the Promised Messiah did not participate in a debate for the sake of gaining fame.
Why did the Promised Messiah(as) receive his first revelation?
He did not lie and in the end the judge found him not guilty.
How did the Promised Messiah(as) respond when his lawyers told him to lie to get out of the Post Office Case?
The three types of knowledge are:
Knowledge by certainty of reason Knowledge by certainty of sight Knowledge by certainty of experience.
What are the three types of knowledge Allah has indicated?
He passed away June 2nd, 1876
When did the Promised Messiah's(as) father pass away?
He was married at the age of 15 and to his maternal cousin Hurmat Bibi.
At what age was the Promised Messiah (as) first married at and to whom was he married to?
The Promised Messiah(as) publicized this on February 6th, 1898.
When did the Promised Messiah(as) publicize his vision about a coming Plague?
It was held during December,1896
When was the Convention of Great Religions held?
Nafsi Ammarah :The Self that Incites to Evil; this is the natural state of man before he enters the moral state.
Nafsi Lawwamah: The Reproving Self;the moral state of human self. Nafsi Mutma’innah: The Soul at Rest; Beginning of the spiritual state of man
There are three types of human actions. Name all three with translation/explanation.
He was 17 years old.
How old was the Promised Messiah(as) when his father started giving him lessons in natural medicine?
His mother’s name was Chiraagh Bibi(ra) and father’s name was Mirza Ghulam Murtada(ra).
What are the names of the Promised Messiah's(as) mother and father?
The sermon is called 'Khutbah-Ilhaamiah' or 'Revealed Sermon'
What is the name of the sermon that the Promised Messiah(as) gave in Arabic?
He opened a fast with a date and only ate a small amount.
How did the Promised Messiah(as) open a fast?
Some conditions are:
-True Courage -Truthfulness -Steadfastness -Sympathy for Mankind -Search for an Exalted Being -
What are 2 of the natural conditions of man.
It was held in 1891 and 75 people came
What year was the first Jalsa Salana held and how many people participated?
A twin sister was born with him, and sadly did not survive, which fulfilled a prophecy recorded in Islamic literature for centuries that Mahdi Mau`ood ( the Promised Reformer) will be born as a twin (Fosoos al-Hikam, by Mohiyuddin Ibn Arabi).
Who else was born with the Promised Messiah(as) and what did that fulfill?
Allah said to the Promised Messiah(as) that the death of Pundit Lekhram was to occur because of the fact that he used abusive language against the Holy Prophet(saw) of Islam.
What did Allah reveal to the Promised Messiah(as) about the Aryan leader Pundit Lekhram?
His longest fast was 8 months long and he secluded himself from his family.
How long was the Promised Messiah's (as) longest fast?
Destroy not yourselves; and slay not your progeny. Do not enter houses, other than your own, freely like
barbarians, until you have obtained leave, and when you have obtained leave and enter, greet the inmates with the salutation of peace. If you find n
List 4 of the many rules given in the Holy Quran about how to live a proper life.
That till the last day of his life, he shall abstain from shirk (associating any partners with Allah).
That he shall keep away from falsehood, cruelty, adultery, dishonesty, disorder, rebellion and every kind of evil That he shall offer prayers (Salat) fi
On January 12, 1889, the Promised Messiah(as) published a pamphlet which clarified the 10 conditions of Bai’it. Name at least 6 of these conditions.