Plague and the Hundred Year's War | The development of fuedalism | The Crusades | The role of the Catholic Church | Daily life in Medieval Europe |
Fleas on rats and the Black Death
What causes the plague and what was another name for the plague?
Wat was the time period for the Middle Ages?
Were military expeditions from the Christian Europe to Palestine
Who were the crusades?
Pope, cardinals, bishops, priests, monks and nuns
What is the order of the Catholic Church society class (highest to lowest)
The code of conduct of medieval European knights
What is chivalry?
A third of Europe's population
How many people died from the plague?
Places where religious people called monks worshiped
What are monasteries?
Jerusalem and the area around it was, and still is, sacred to Christians, Jews, and Muslims
Why did European Christians begin the crusades?
Cardinals help the pope run the church
What is a cardinal?
Knights were often vassals who fought on behalf of lords in return of land
What is a knight?
Joan of Arc
Who led the French to victory?
King, church officials and nobles, knights, peasants
What is the order of the European society class (highest to lowest)
Religious and politicial motives led Christians to begin a series of wars to conquer Palestine
What was the goverment for the crusades?
The head of the Roman Catholic Church from 1073 to 1085 and struggled
Who is Pope Gregory VII?
A medieval town was dirty, cramped, and busy
What was medieval town like?
A longbow shots arrows that could pentatrate a knight's armor
What is a longbow?
They worked the land for the nobles, farming, or made tools
What did a peasant do for work?
Yes, the crusades had a long lasting effect on European culture
Did the crusades leave an effect on Europe's culture?
A group of people who liv according to a religious rule
What is a religious order?
They brought peace and stability to numerous regions and as a result, people felt more safe and secure
How did towns grow in medieval times?
Chills, fever, vomiting, or welts
What symptoms did the people with the plague have?
A king of the Franks who conquered much of Europe and spread Christianity
Who is Charlemagne?
A military leader who united Muslims to fight the Christians in Palestine
Who was Saladin?
People given priestly authority by the church
What is clergy?
An association of people sharing a trade or craft, intended to control the quality and quantity of their production and to protect their interests
What is a guild?