CSI Policy | Medication Aide | Medication Terminology | Medication - Drugs | CSI Med Class |
Right cient
Right drug Right dosage Right Time Right Route Right Documentation
What are the 6 rights of medication administration?
Unlicensed personal adminster drugs in accordance with physicians instructions pertaining to dosage, frequency and manner to adminstration
What is the Medication Aide Definition
How many mls are there in a quart?
pulse greater than 60 bpm
What is a key intervention before adminsitering a Beta Blocker?
Chamberlain College of Nursing
What school did your trainer attend?
Pre-pouring medication
What would be a cause for Immediate Termination
Drugs that are normally self-adminstreed
What drugs can be adminstered by Medication Aide?
30 ml
1 ouce is equal to what ?
1. Controlled
2. Non- controlled
What are the different drug types for prescription?
1.Call 911
2. attend to client 3. once situation under control, call supervisor 4. follow up with report
What are the steps to follow in case of an emergency?
1. 1st violation - written warning (cousel with Nurse)
2. 90 days probation - written warning and inability to qualify for tuition reimburstment 3. probation and termination with notice
What are the 3 sanctions for medication adminstration?
Virginia Department of Behavioral Health/ Virginia board of nursing
What agencies governs and regulates Medication aides?
What term is used to describe administration under the tounge?
Antibiotics are molecules that kill, or stop the growth of, microorganisms, including both
bacteria and fungi.
What is the purpose of Antibiotic medication?
1. uncontrolable bleeding
2. accidents 3. chocking/ no airway 4. no heart beat 5. loss of consciousness
Whats is considered an emergency?
4 hour yearly medication re-certification training
Medication certification 32 hour class
What are the two mantatory med traning ?
Wrong Client
Wrong Drug Wrong Dosage Wrong Time Wrong Route Wrong Documentation
What is cosidered a medication error?
BP: 90/60
Temp: 97.9 - 99.1 Breathing- 12-20 Pulse: 60/10 bpm
What are the normal vital signs?
BP, Pulse, Breathing, Temp |
Doctor -to- Pharmacy
Doctor - Doctor employee - to - Pharmacy Doctor - to CSI Nurse - to- Pharmacy
What are the three ways percsription are faxed over to allied?
1. Program Manager / Assistant
2. Team lead / who ever is on call (refer to calendar) 3. James (CEO)
What is the chain of command?
What is HIPAA and what is its purpose?
Helath Insurance Portability and Accountabliity ACt Provides consumers with privacy rights and protects and respect health information.
What is HiPAA and what is its purpose?
Advocate, Observe, report
What is the responsibility of Medication Aide?
1. Every day before Noon
2. Every hour sleep 3. A.C 4. P.C. 5. qh4
Adminstration Frequency
1. QAM: 2. QHS 3. Before meals: 4. After meals: 5. Four times times a day |
- Double locked - Separate from other medication in a locked closet
- Control substance check off sheet
How is contolled substance stored and documented