Medication Aide Day 1 | Medication Aide Day 2 | Medication Aide Day 5 | You better Know THIS! | |
What does HIPAA stand for ? What role do you play?
What is Health Insurance Portability Act. To protect persons supported health information and privacy from improper disclosure.
How many times can you use hand sanitizer before washing your hands with soap and water? How long should you wash your hands?
What is 5 times. What is 1 minute
What is pull ear lob up and back
When administering Ear drops, how should you pull the ear?
What is insulin
What does a cell need to convert sugar to energy?
What is pre- pouring
What are grounds for immediate termination?
What type of medications should you monitor and record prior to administrating? What should you monitor for?
What is Hypertensive Medication/HBP
Monitor the heart-rate/pulse and do not administer if below 60 bpm. |
What Hep virus does not have a vaccine to prevent infection?
What is Hep C
What is LAST
When do you administer topical medication during the medication administration process?
What is Ketone, AC1, Fasting Glucose, daily BS
What are Diabetes tests used to monitor and diagnose?
What is Half hour before and half hour after
Medication window of administration?
What medications we do not crush?
What is enteric coated tablets, capsules, timed-released and extended release capsules/tablets.
How is Hep A and B transmitted?
What is A: Fecal matter - close personal contact: sex, living in same household
Hep B source is blood and body fluid - sex, needles, open sores |
What is Breath out completely, squeeze inhaler at the same time client breaths in deeply through the mouth, hold breath for as long as possible
When helping the person supported with an oral inhaler, how do you direct their breathing during the time of application?
What is Blurry vision, confusion, lethargic, irritable
What are the common signs and symptoms hyper-hypo glycaemia have in common?
What is Check medication are accurate
What should you do upon starting your shift?
What are the 6 rights to medication administration?
Wrong Person
Wrong Medication Wrong Dose Wrong Time Wrong Route Wrong Documentation |
What is medication, route, time, client, dosage, documentation.
2. clean area of administration ,wash hands, wear gloves
What are the 6 rights of medication? What precautions do you put in place?
What is BP: 90/60 - 120/80 Resp: 12-20 Temp:96.6- 98.6 Pulse: 60-100
What are normal vital signs? Resp, BP, temp, pulse
What is Assemble Supplies, Wash hands, Draw up insulin, select site, put on gloves, inject insulin, dispose of insulin, use proper universal precautions
What are the steps on giving Insulin Injection
What is 1. Call your program manager immediately
2. Contact person we support prescribing physician for instructions 3. Document on the MAR i. Circle the appropriate box and document on the back of the MAR 4. Complete a Med Error form and Incident Report
What is the Medication Error procedure?
What does DBHDS stand for?
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
What is Ativan, Xanax, Tylenol 3
What medications should be double locked?
Ativan? Atenolol? Xanax? lisinopril? Tylenol 3? |
What is
Call 911, provide first aide to client that is unresponsive, check responsiveness, pulse, once EMS arrives provide emergency sheet for transfer, call program manager- wait for instructions
What are the procedure to follow for an health emergency on shift with 2 clients (1 unconscious, 1 stable and talking) and and 1 EC?
What is heredity, physical stress a or injury, being over the age of 40, excess weight, poor eating habits
What are the contributing factors linked to Type ll diabetes?
1. Clean work area, wash hands thoroughly and put on gloves
2. Open the MAR (Medication Adminsitration Record) and Medication bubble packs 3. The MAR and the medication bubble pack should match the 6 medication rights a. Right Client b. Right Medication c
Walk us through the step by step Medication Administration Procedure.