Prefixes | Suffixes | Root Words | Full Terms | Random |
What is Tachy-?
Meaning “Fast or rapid”
What is -itis?
Meaning “Inflammation”
What is Cardi/o?
The Heart
What is Hypertension?
High blood pressure
What is distal?
Farthest from the point of attachment
What is Hypo-?
Meaning “Beneath, under, below, or low”
What is -emia?
Meaning “Blood condition”
What is Pulmon/o?
The Lungs
What is Neonatal?
Referring to newborns
What is Pericarditis?
Inflammation of the tissue around the heart
What is Dys-?
Meaning “Difficult, abnormal, or painful”
What is -osis?
Meaning “Disease or Conditionl
What is Gastr/o?
The Stomach
What is Apnea/Apneic?
Not breathing
What is A- or An-?
Prefix meaning “Without”
What is Ab-?
Meaning “Away from”
What is -ostomy?
A Surgery to create an opening
What is Neur/o?
The Brain
What is Hypoglycemia?
Low Blood Sugar
What is auscultation?
Listening with a stethoscope
What is Inter-?
Meaning “Between”
What is -algia?
Meaning “Pain”
What is Cirrh/o?
What is Hemopneumothorax?
Accumulation of blood and air in the pleural cavity
What is -rrhea
Meaning “Flow, or Discharge”